When you produced your workbook, I tried your approch, comparing “2 cells a1:b1 sheet1 with 2 cells a1:b1 sheet2” I got none that matched.
So I assumed that you intended something else, tried that something else and got a significant number of matches. That something else is known as a LOOKUP.: lookup some value in a range.
Just traded in my OLD subtlety...
for a NUance!
Skip - how do you do this?
One of my customer wanted to send me to the "Mind Reading Class", which would be very useful in my job. Unfortunately, I could not find such an offer in any of the educational institutions.
Where did you get yours....?
@Andy, I’ve spent a considerable period of time “listening” to people’s descriptions of what they think they want, asking the requisite questions and distilling these to get the desired proof: the actual requirements. I nearly always ask questions to verify that we are on the same page.
I doubted the OP’s initial statement and when they finally provided the workbook, I did as I previously stated, made a guess and it was, in this instance, correct.
I guess its a matter of experience. I’m not always right. But when one method gives ZERO results, then look for the next best approch.
Just traded in my OLD subtlety...
for a NUance!
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