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Excel 2010 Issue with Creating Dictionary using the New Keyword 2

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Sep 14, 2010
Hi Guys,

I have been looking back on one of my projects from a few weeks ago and decided to try to update it, using the Dictionary which I was introduced to recently by StrongM. My aim is to reduce the amount of code repeated in my application.

My project consists of a userform, which holds a multipage tab. The multipage has a tab for each day of the week, on each tab a listbox has been placed. My application searches through an excel spreadsheet looking at a date column, for every date, it extracts the day value and places that on the multipage tab corresponding to the day. E.g today is Tue 29 Oct, so the data will appear on the Tuesday tab. Each listbox is named lst & Day name, so Tuesday is lstTuesday.

So my issue arises when I try to reduce the code by using a case statement for each day of the week then by calling a procedure and passing in the listbox and creating the dictionary.

My userform uses code like this
Select Case (dayValue)
 Case "Monday"
      Call PopulateDiaryList(frmDiary.lstMonday)
 Case "Tuesday"
      Call PopulateDiaryList(frmDiary.lstTuesday)

Then my PopulateDiaryList uses
Sub PopulateDiaryList(lst As MSForms.ListBox)

    Dim ListInformation As New Dictionary

    With lst
        .ColumnCount = colCount
        .ColumnWidths = colWidths
        .List(ListInformation("Monday"), 0) = currentDate ' Date
        .List(ListInformation("Monday"), 1) = ModuleCode ' Module Code
        .List(ListInformation("Monday"), 2) = ModuleTitle ' Module Title
        .List(ListInformation("Monday"), 3) = StartTime ' Start time
        .List(ListInformation("Monday"), 4) = EndTime ' End time
        .List(ListInformation("Monday"), 5) = Site ' Site
        .List(ListInformation("Monday"), 6) = Room ' Room
        .List(ListInformation("Monday"), 7) = SupportWorker ' Support Worker
        .List(ListInformation("Monday"), 8) = InterpElecNote ' Interpeter/Electronic
        .List(ListInformation("Monday"), 9) = ClaimAt & vbTab & TypeOfSupport
    End With
    ListInformation("Monday") = ListInformation("Monday") + 1

End Sub

I know it won't work in it's current state as I have hardcoded "Monday" in, however the whole thing dies before I get to that point. it tells me "Invalid Use of New Keyword". What am I doing wrong? as I have copied this from my other project which used the new keyword on the dictionary and that worked.

I could go back to my project being full of redundant code, but this really reduces my code down to a few pages which I would rather for maintainability purposes as it prevents having to alter vast amounts of code for each day of the week.

Any Thoughts?

Many Thanks



Why are you dimming ListInformation in that Sub? You've clearly (?) already populated a variable of that name elsewhere
Seems like you missed to add the reference to to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Another way is to replace this:
Dim ListInformation As New Dictionary
With this:
Dim ListInformation As Object: Set ListInformation = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Hope This Helps, PH.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the replies, PHV, I had got the reference in however thank you for the tip for late binding as that will come in handy when I look at deploying this out to others. StrongM I was Diming the variable there as it wasn't working anywhere else, however it seems to let me get passed the new issue now.

So my next task is how to populate the list using the dictionary as
ListInformation("Monday"), 0) = currentDate ' Date

clearly doesn't work

Thanks Again guys


Hey Guys,

Okay so it is still not working.

I have a globals Module where I am creating my dictionary

Dim ListInformation As New Dictionary
Then on my Form I have

Select Case (dayValue)
                                Case "Monday"
                                    Call PopulateDiaryList(dayValue, frmDiary.lstMonday)
                                Case "Tuesday"
                                    Call PopulateDiaryList(dayValue, frmDiary.lstTuesday)
                                Case "Wednesday"
                                    Call PopulateDiaryList(dayValue, frmDiary.lstWednesday)
                                Case "Thursday"
                                    Call PopulateDiaryList(dayValue, frmDiary.lstThursday)
                                Case "Friday"
                                    Call PopulateDiaryList(dayValue, frmDiary.lstFriday)
                                Case "Saturday"
                                    Call PopulateDiaryList(dayValue, frmDiary.lstSaturday)
                                Case "Sunday"
                                    Call PopulateDiaryList(dayValue, frmDiary.lstSunday)
                            End Select
Then the PopulateDiaryList

Sub PopulateDiaryList(dayValue As String, lst As MSForms.ListBox)
        listVal = ListInformation(Chr(34) & dayValue & Chr(34))
    With lst
        .ColumnCount = colCount
        .ColumnWidths = colWidths
        .List(listVal, 0) = currentDate ' Date
        .List(listVal, 1) = ModuleCode ' Module Code
        .List(listVal, 2) = ModuleTitle ' Module Title
        .List(listVal, 3) = StartTime ' Start time
        .List(listVal, 4) = EndTime ' End time
        .List(listVal, 5) = Site ' Site
        .List(listVal, 6) = Room ' Room
        .List(listVal, 7) = SupportWorker ' Support Worker
        .List(listVal, 8) = InterpElecNote ' Interpeter/Electronic
        .List(listVal, 9) = ClaimAt & vbTab & TypeOfSupport
    End With
    ListInformation(dayValue) = ListInformation(dayValue) + 1
  ' dayList(lstName) = dayList(lstName) + 1
End Sub
I tried doing it this way as I was wanting to create a Key in the dictionary name "Monday" with a value of 1, then that would increase giving me the same effect that I had previously. Where I had the following for each day of the week.

With lstMonday
        .ColumnCount = colCount
        .ColumnWidths = colWidths
        .List(MonCount, 0) = currentDate ' Date
        .List(MonCount, 1) = ModuleCode ' Module Code
        .List(MonCount, 2) = ModuleTitle ' Module Title
        .List(MonCount, 3) = StartTime ' Start time
        .List(MonCount, 4) = EndTime ' End time
        .List(MonCount, 5) = Site ' Site
        .List(MonCount, 6) = Room ' Room
        .List(MonCount, 7) = SupportWorker ' Support Worker
        .List(MonCount, 8) = InterpElecNote ' Interpeter/Electronic
        .List(MonCount, 9) = ClaimAt & vbTab & TypeOfSupport
    End With
MonCount = MonCount + 1
Am I attempting the impossible or am I just to blind to see an easy solution to this?


>I was Diming the variable there as it wasn't working anywhere else

In which case it takes precedence, and replaces the populated ListInformation you have already declared with an nice new, empty one for the scope of this sub.
Just to be picky...

All this code:

Select Case (dayValue)
    Case "Monday"
        Call PopulateDiaryList(dayValue, frmDiary.lstMonday)
    Case "Tuesday"
        Call PopulateDiaryList(dayValue, frmDiary.lstTuesday)
    Case "Wednesday"
        Call PopulateDiaryList(dayValue, frmDiary.lstWednesday)
    Case "Thursday"
        Call PopulateDiaryList(dayValue, frmDiary.lstThursday)
    Case "Friday"
        Call PopulateDiaryList(dayValue, frmDiary.lstFriday)
    Case "Saturday"
        Call PopulateDiaryList(dayValue, frmDiary.lstSaturday)
    Case "Sunday"
        Call PopulateDiaryList(dayValue, frmDiary.lstSunday)
End Select

Could be just this:

Call PopulateDiaryList(dayValue, frmDiary.Controls("lst" & dayValue))

Or even this:
Call PopulateDiaryList(dayValue)

if you would change this:

Sub PopulateDiaryList(dayValue As String)
        listVal = ListInformation(Chr(34) & dayValue & Chr(34))
    With [blue]frmDiary.Controls("lst" & dayValue)[/blue]
        .ColumnCount = colCount

Right...? :)

Have fun.

---- Andy
Hi Guys,

I seem to have hit a brick wall with this one still. Andy cheers for pointing out where I could shorten aspects of my code, I have taken this on board and now have

Select Case (dayValue)
                                Case "Monday"
                                    Call PopulateDiaryList(MonCount, dayValue)
                                    MonCount = MonCount + 1

                                Case "Tuesday"
                                    Call PopulateDiaryList(TueCount, dayValue)
                                    TueCount = TueCount + 1
                                Case "Wednesday"
                                    Call PopulateDiaryList(WedCount, dayValue)
                                    WedCount = WedCount + 1
                                Case "Thursday"
                                    Call PopulateDiaryList(ThursCount, dayValue)
                                    ThursCount = ThursCount + 1
                                Case "Friday"
                                    Call PopulateDiaryList(FriCount, dayValue)
                                    FriCount = FriCount + 1
                                Case "Saturday"
                                    Call PopulateDiaryList(SatCount, dayValue)
                                    SatCount = SatCount + 1
                                Case "Sunday"
                                    Call PopulateDiaryList(SunCount, dayValue)
                                    SunCount = SunCount + 1
                            End Select

and then in my PopulateDiaryList sub I use

Sub PopulateDiaryList(count As Integer, dayValue As String)
                                With frmDiary.Controls("lst" & dayValue)
                                        .ColumnCount = colCount
                                        .ColumnWidths = colWidths
                                        .List(count, 0) = currentDate ' Date
                                        .List(count, 1) = ModuleCode ' Module Code
                                        .List(count, 2) = ModuleTitle ' Module Title
                                        .List(count, 3) = StartTime ' Start time
                                        .List(count, 4) = EndTime ' End time
                                        .List(count, 5) = Site ' Site
                                        .List(count, 6) = Room ' Room
                                        .List(count, 7) = SupportWorker ' Support Worker
                                        .List(count, 8) = InterpElecNote ' Interpeter/Electronic
                                        .List(count, 9) = ClaimAt & vbTab & TypeOfSupport
                                    End With
                            End Sub

This has reduced some of the repetitive code. I did try to remove the case statement however I was unable to find a good way of being able to populate the .List value for each of the individual listboxes and increase the count value by one each time an item was added.

I think I will give up on the Dictionary approach I tried on this as I just can't seem to get my head around the whole thing and fathom out why it wasn't working the way I wanted.

Thanks again guys for the help.


Dim ListInformation As New Dictionary
the ListInformation is visible only in the module with this declaration. You need [tt]Public[/tt] instead:
[COLOR=red]Public[/color] ListInformation As New Dictionary

Hi Guys,

So after looking at Combo's suggestion, I created a dummy workbook and added a userform with a listbox. I created a procedure to populate the ListBox

Public ListInformation As New Dictionary

Sub Populate(dayValue As String)

    listVal = ListInformation(Chr(34) & dayValue & Chr(34))
    With UserForm2.Controls("lst" & dayValue)
      '  .ColumnCount = colCount
      '  .ColumnWidths = colWidths
        .List(listVal, 0) = "Hello" & listVal ' Date
'        .List(listVal, 0) = currentDate ' Date
'        .List(listVal, 1) = ModuleCode ' Module Code
'        .List(listVal, 2) = ModuleTitle ' Module Title
'        .List(listVal, 3) = StartTime ' Start time
'        .List(listVal, 4) = EndTime ' End time
'        .List(listVal, 5) = Site ' Site
'        .List(listVal, 6) = Room ' Room
'        .List(listVal, 7) = SupportWorker ' Support Worker
'        .List(listVal, 8) = InterpElecNote ' Interpeter/Electronic
'        .List(listVal, 9) = ClaimAt & vbTab & TypeOfSupport
    End With

    ListInformation(Chr(34) & dayValue & Chr(34)) = ListInformation(Chr(34) & dayValue & Chr(34)) + 1
End Sub

Then on my userform I used the following code

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

    For i = 1 To 5
    Call Populate("Monday")
    For i = 1 To 5
    Call Populate("Tuesday")
End Sub

And that worked....So I moved back to my original workbook and did the following

Public ListInfo As New Dictionary

Public Const saveLocation = "U:\"
Public Const fileName = "SavedDocuments"
Public Const fileExtension = ".xlsm"

Sub PopulateDiaryList(dayValue As String)

    listVal = ListInfo(Chr(34) & dayValue & Chr(34))
    With frmDiary.Controls("lst" & dayValue)
        .ColumnCount = colCount
        .ColumnWidths = colWidths
        .List(listVal, 0) = currentDate ' Date
        .List(listVal, 1) = ModuleCode ' Module Code
        .List(listVal, 2) = ModuleTitle ' Module Title
        .List(listVal, 3) = StartTime ' Start time
        .List(listVal, 4) = EndTime ' End time
        .List(listVal, 5) = Site ' Site
        .List(listVal, 6) = Room ' Room
        .List(listVal, 7) = SupportWorker ' Support Worker
        .List(listVal, 8) = InterpElecNote ' Interpeter/Electronic
        .List(listVal, 9) = ClaimAt & vbTab & TypeOfSupport
    End With
   ListInfo(Chr(34) & dayValue & Chr(34)) = ListInfo(Chr(34) & dayValue & Chr(34)) + 1

End Sub

Then in my code I call it by using
Call PopulateDiaryList(dayValue)

This once again gives me the invalid use of the New Keyword error. Why does this mock me so much, I thought I had cracked it when I got the test working....obviously not


You don't have any other object named ListInfo elsewhere ?

Hope This Helps, PH.
>I have taken this on board and now have

Um ... not sure that you have. You seem to have made your Select Case even more complex than it was before - rather than eliminating it completely, as per Andrzejek's suggestion.

And then modified PopulateDiaryList inappropriately ...

What you want - to mostly repeat Andrzejek - is to replace your entire

[tt]Select Case DayValue
End Select[/tt]


[tt]PopulateDiaryList DayValue[/tt]

(I might also comment that given that the tab you are populating defines the day you could even eliminate passing the DayValue parameter if you felt so inclined)

and then your PopulateDiaryList sub becomes:

[blue]Sub PopulateDiaryList(strDay As String)

    With Me.Controls("lst" & strDay)
        .ColumnCount = colCount
        .ColumnWidths = colWidths
        .List(Listinformation(strDay), 0) = currentDate ' Date
        .List(Listinformation(strDay), 1) = ModuleCode ' Module Code
        .List(Listinformation(strDay), 2) = ModuleTitle ' Module Title
        .List(Listinformation(strDay), 3) = StartTime ' Start time
        .List(Listinformation(strDay), 4) = EndTime ' End time
        .List(Listinformation(strDay), 5) = Site ' Site
        .List(Listinformation(strDay), 6) = Room ' Room
        .List(Listinformation(strDay), 7) = SupportWorker ' Support Worker
        .List(Listinformation(strDay), 8) = InterpElecNote ' Interpeter/Electronic
        .List(Listinformation(strDay), 9) = ClaimAt & vbTab & TypeOfSupport
    End With
    Listinformation(strDay) = Listinformation(strDay) + 1
End Sub[/blue]

(my code makes some assumptions - that it is in the UserForm module, and that Listinformation is in scope)

Having said that, there are several changes I'd probably make. Firstly I wouldn't declare ListInformation as New. I'd rather explicitly instantiate it when I need it rather than letting VB guess ... Secondly you seem to be using the Multipage tab to host tabs that all have the same controls on, whereas it is better used to host tabs that have different controls. I'd probably use a tabstrip for what you are doing.
Hi Guys,

PHV, I have not used ListInfo anywhere else.

StrongM, The Select Case became more complex as I was unable to get the Dictionary to work as I wanted. So by using part of Andy's suggestion I was able to reduce some of the code repetition. The thought behind the Multipage Tab is that all the data is populated on to the relevant day tab allowing the user to quickly switch between tabs and see a students timetable information. I assume that by using a tabstrip I would be having to update listbox data each time the user switches to view another day of the week.

Using your suggestion I do seem to have the listbox population working with the dictionary, however I am not 100% sure why it didn't work before.

To Call the procedure I am using:
Call PopulateDiaryList(dayValue)

Sub PopulateDiaryList(dayValue As String)

    With frmDiary.Controls("lst" & dayValue)
            .ColumnCount = colCount
            .ColumnWidths = colWidths
            .List(ListInformation(dayValue), 0) = currentDate ' Date
            .List(ListInformation(dayValue), 1) = ModuleCode ' Module Code
            .List(ListInformation(dayValue), 2) = ModuleTitle ' Module Title
            .List(ListInformation(dayValue), 3) = StartTime ' Start time
            .List(ListInformation(dayValue), 4) = EndTime ' End time
            .List(ListInformation(dayValue), 5) = Site ' Site
            .List(ListInformation(dayValue), 6) = Room ' Room
            .List(ListInformation(dayValue), 7) = SupportWorker ' Support Worker
            .List(ListInformation(dayValue), 8) = InterpElecNote ' Interpeter/Electronic
            .List(ListInformation(dayValue), 9) = ClaimAt & vbTab & TypeOfSupport
        End With
        ListInformation(dayValue) = ListInformation(dayValue) + 1
End Sub

Each time I search for a new student I am also removing all items from the dictionary, as Excel crashed and was unable to proceed if I didn't

Many thanks for everyone's help


>by using a tabstrip I would be having to update listbox data each time the user switches to view another day of the week

Well, yes - but I don't see that as an issue (unless your search through Excel is slow, in which case you might want to review that code ...)

And, on reflection, I'm not quite sure why you are using a Dictionary here at all, when

[blue]Sub PopulateDiaryList(dayValue As String)

    With frmDiary.Controls("lst" & dayValue)
        .ColumnCount = colCount
        .ColumnWidths = colWidths
        .List(.ListCount - 1, 0) = currentDate ' Date
        .List(.ListCount - 1, 1) = ModuleCode ' Module Code
        .List(.ListCount - 1, 2) = ModuleTitle ' Module Title
        .List(.ListCount - 1, 3) = StartTime ' Start time
        .List(.ListCount - 1, 4) = EndTime ' End time
        .List(.ListCount - 1, 5) = Site ' Site
        .List(.ListCount - 1, 6) = Room ' Room
        .List(.ListCount - 1, 7) = SupportWorker ' Support Worker
        .List(.ListCount - 1, 8) = InterpElecNote ' Interpeter/Electronic
        .List(.ListCount - 1, 9) = ClaimAt & vbTab & TypeOfSuppor
    End With
End Sub[/blue]

achieves much the same thing
Hi StrongM,

I was using a dictionary as that was the only thing I could think of that I could increment easily. Which actually turned out to be more difficult than I realised for me. I never thought about using .ListCount, you are correct though it does do exactly the same. I will look in to the tabstrip approach and see how that works out, as you say it shouldn't make much of a difference unless excel is slow to search the data

Thanks Again


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