Good afternoon, I thought I would post all of my code for this procedure as it might make my question/task more understandable. I would like to know if there is a "better" way of doing what I have done as this seems a little slow and it only has some 1,100 rows to populate.
Basically I have to populate each row in a provided workbook (WB1) with values from a second workbook (WB2) based on the values in a third workbook (WB3). My solution is to identify the row number in WB3 (matching Column "A" in WB1) and then create a formula testing that row's Column "U" and a VLOOKUP to WB2 if the test is true.
Many thanks,
Basically I have to populate each row in a provided workbook (WB1) with values from a second workbook (WB2) based on the values in a third workbook (WB3). My solution is to identify the row number in WB3 (matching Column "A" in WB1) and then create a formula testing that row's Column "U" and a VLOOKUP to WB2 if the test is true.
Sub MyOrEO()
Dim Verbfile As String, VerbSheet As String, VerbfileO As String, VerbSheetO As String, MyPath As String, AWB As String
Dim MyRow As Integer, x As Integer
AWB = ActiveWorkbook.Name
MyPath = "G:\DP\LbL\"
Verbfile = "Combined Verbatims V2.xlsx" 'Alternative verbs workbook
VerbSheet = "q23_other_spec"
VerbfileO = "ukc12400397_0 - FINAL DOWNLOAD for Des2.xlsx" 'Original verbs workbook
VerbSheetO = "Verbatim to be cleaned"
If CheckFileIsOpen(VerbfileO) = False Then
Workbooks.Open MyPath & VerbfileO
End If
If CheckFileIsOpen(Verbfile) = False Then
Workbooks.Open MyPath & Verbfile
End If
'use cells.rows.count rather than a hard row count value
EndRow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For x = 2 To EndRow
Range("EO" & x).FormulaR1C1 = "= IFERROR(MATCH(RC1,'[" & VerbfileO & "]" & VerbSheetO & "'!C1,""0""),"""")"
If Range("EO" & x).Value <> "" And Range("EO" & x).Value <> "0" Then
MyRow = Range("EO" & x).Value
Range("EO" & x).FormulaR1C1 = _
"=IF(OR('[" & VerbfileO & "]" & VerbSheetO & _
"'!R" & MyRow & "C21 = ""sat_1"" ,'[" & VerbfileO & "]" & VerbSheetO & _
"'!R" & MyRow & "C21 = ""sat_2"" ,'[" & VerbfileO & "]" & VerbSheetO & _
"'!R" & MyRow & "C21 = ""sat_3"" ,'[" & VerbfileO & "]" & VerbSheetO & _
"'!R" & MyRow & "C21 = ""sat_4""),IFERROR(VLOOKUP(RC1,'[" & Verbfile & "]" & VerbSheet & "'!C2:C7,6,0),""""),"""")"
End If 'If Range("EO" & x).Value <> "" Then
Next x
Range(("EO2:EO" & EndRow)).Copy
Range("EO2").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Many thanks,