There is no setting to see the menu in old 2003 format. HOWEVER, you can customize the Quick Access bar to closely resemble the 2003 Standard toolbar.
To customize the Quick Access toolbar right click on the Ribbon (the bar containing the tabs for Home, Insert, Page Layout, etc.) and select "Customize Quick Access Toolbar...". From the box that pops up you can select whatever commands that you want and organize them however you want. You can also choose whether you want the QA Toolbar to show above or below the ribbon.
No training? A 1/2 day for the basics is the minimum that I give my users.
These were VERY valuable links for me when I was fist getting used to 2007:
[tab]- There are interactive Flash emulators available for Access, Excel, PowerPoint and Word here. They'll let you click on a menu item in an Office 2003 application, then show you how to get there in Excel 2007.
[tab]- There is also a quick reference chart specific to Excel that you can print out. It's available here (actual printable tip card is available directly here)
[tab][red]The plural of anecdote is not data[/red]
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By the way, you can still use the old menu key combinations, and Excel will perform the appropriate command ... can be useful if you're used to hitting certain key combos without looking at the menu.
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