I haven't found a function yet, although it may be simple. I need to sort a set of text values ascending in first column continuing in subsequent columns. The data is restricted to a fixed set of columns and rows.
Although I can copy all values to working column and then sort, I thought there would be an easier way. The worksheet is used as data entry by a clerk who needs to sort but has very little Excel knowledge.
Original data as entered
UV189 LH776 BG543 UV123
PH554 UV190 PH987 PH321
PH123 PH234 PH089 PG876
AS469 PH456 UV132 AS134
BH654 PH345 HS687 GB654
Required Sort
AS134 HS687 PH234 PH987
AS469 LH776 PH321 UV123
BG543 PG876 PH345 UV132
BH654 PH089 PH456 UV189
GB654 PH123 PH554 UV190
Although I can copy all values to working column and then sort, I thought there would be an easier way. The worksheet is used as data entry by a clerk who needs to sort but has very little Excel knowledge.
Original data as entered
UV189 LH776 BG543 UV123
PH554 UV190 PH987 PH321
PH123 PH234 PH089 PG876
AS469 PH456 UV132 AS134
BH654 PH345 HS687 GB654
Required Sort
AS134 HS687 PH234 PH987
AS469 LH776 PH321 UV123
BG543 PG876 PH345 UV132
BH654 PH089 PH456 UV189
GB654 PH123 PH554 UV190