I have a problem. One of my users has managed to do something to her copy of Excel and now everything equals zero.
=SUM(A1:Z99) == 0
=4+6 == 0
=SUMIF(A1:A300, "",B1:B300) == 0
It doesn't matter what these ranges contain, it doesn't care. Everything equals 0.
Wait - here's the confusing part. The aggregate function provided by Excel (the quick lookup in the bottom right in the info bar) is working fine. That can count, average, sum, etc. and get it right.
Everything else - 0
The first thing you're going to jump on is "Ah - you're in manual calculation mode!". Nope - auto calc. I've even changed it to manual, saved, closed, opened, change it to auto-calc, saved, closed... 0.
Now I need more help - I'm completly baffled and stuck. As is the entire Tax department and the whole of Group IT.
Yet another unchecked rambling brought to you by:
=SUM(A1:Z99) == 0
=4+6 == 0
=SUMIF(A1:A300, "",B1:B300) == 0
It doesn't matter what these ranges contain, it doesn't care. Everything equals 0.
Wait - here's the confusing part. The aggregate function provided by Excel (the quick lookup in the bottom right in the info bar) is working fine. That can count, average, sum, etc. and get it right.
Everything else - 0
The first thing you're going to jump on is "Ah - you're in manual calculation mode!". Nope - auto calc. I've even changed it to manual, saved, closed, opened, change it to auto-calc, saved, closed... 0.
Now I need more help - I'm completly baffled and stuck. As is the entire Tax department and the whole of Group IT.
Yet another unchecked rambling brought to you by: