Technical User
This error in my application log keeps filling up. I can't find
anything on it and I got some feedback, but I keep getting
the same results. This is my error:
>source: tqsk event id 116. Can anybody tell me how
>to eliminate this? It reads:
>Subprocess monitoring failed due to subprocess is no
>longer active. The subprocess is probably dead.
>the process. Error detail: Overlapped I/O operation is in
I have a dell 1500sc running w2k server
anything on it and I got some feedback, but I keep getting
the same results. This is my error:
>source: tqsk event id 116. Can anybody tell me how
>to eliminate this? It reads:
>Subprocess monitoring failed due to subprocess is no
>longer active. The subprocess is probably dead.
>the process. Error detail: Overlapped I/O operation is in
I have a dell 1500sc running w2k server