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Event ID 7031 - Services Error

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Aug 27, 2002

Current Configuration:
Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP2)
Compaq Proliant Server

When attempting to launch services using a valid ID (valid1) with administrative privileges, only X services will launch correctly. After X services have started the remaining services will not launch and will produce the 7031 error message. We attempted to launch the same serives with the LocalSystem account and we did not get the error message however the software needs to run using (valid1).

We researched on the MS site and changed one entry in the registry in an attempt to fix the problem ( This would not work.

Are there supposed to be certain registry parameters that would allow us to launch all of the services required rather than trigger errors after X.

In need of a solution,
Forget the ms search. Try a search on Glen A. Johnson
Microsoft Certified Professional

"Ideas control the world."
James A. Garfield (1831-1881) US president.
A buddy and sat a while today thinking of how to bring up all the services with W2K Server using "valid1." On 8/22 we accessed the following site regarding heap size. (
The following is in our W2K Server Registry:
%SystemRoot%\system32\csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=\Windows SharedSection=1024,3072,256 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=basesrv,1 ServerDll=winsrv:UserServerDllInitialization,3 ServerDll=winsrv:ConServerDllInitialization,2 ProfileControl=Off MaxRequestThreads=16

In this case 1024 defines the system heap size, 3072 controls the size of the interactive desktop heap (used for Windows objects) and the third value is covers the non-interactive desktop heap. All values are KBytes. Initially the third value read 512 and our thinking was the larger the value the more services we could launch with "valid1." The reverse is actually true. The third heap setting of 256 successfully enabled us to launch all services.

Looking Ahead:
Care should be taken when considering a SP4 upgrade in production/test environment. Microsoft has made changes to the heap allocation manager with SP4. (
Does anyone know the implications of changing the heap-size on this box?

Advanced server Server administrator service keeps stopping. That's the only error in event viewer. ID 7031. Cannot find any info on it.

Any suggestions appreciated!!
Just a thought, is the service that is failing trying to log on using an account that is not valid? Check the service properties in the services window under the logon tab. Could have an invalid logon?

BY the way, my servers show four values listed for %SystemRoot%\system32\csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=\Windows SharedSection=1024,3072,512,512, not three as you listed, and work just fine.


Two things here. First, go to eventid.net, it's a great place to find info on anything in the event viewer. Second, we were getting the same error, applying the 823890 patch from Microsoft that everyone is talking about today should clear that up as well. Hope this helps you.
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