Database resource Failure Error.
I am seeing strange user issues within our exchange system from one of our offices. We are running exchange 2003 windows server 2003 is sp 1 and the exchange install is sp2. about every two weeks the exchangesa service just stops working.
If I reboot the server things are fine for like i said two weeks
Something is wrong with the DB it would appear any ideas on what I can do to fix it?
If two wrongs don't make a right then how can two wrights make and airplane fly ?
I am seeing strange user issues within our exchange system from one of our offices. We are running exchange 2003 windows server 2003 is sp 1 and the exchange install is sp2. about every two weeks the exchangesa service just stops working.
If I reboot the server things are fine for like i said two weeks
Something is wrong with the DB it would appear any ideas on what I can do to fix it?
If two wrongs don't make a right then how can two wrights make and airplane fly ?