Is that possible. More specifically, can I create Delegate A which then is assigned to callback to Delegate B, BUT then also have Delegate B callback to a particular method?
keep in mind that I mean event delegates.
code example:
keep in mind with the "off the top" example i just wrote someone may be tempted to point out that what I am asking would be pointless since I could just assign the following
I would rather someone let that response slide and just know if what I proposed can work ... AND if not the way I coded it, then how do I properly do so?
keep in mind that I mean event delegates.
code example:
public class classA
public event EventHandler Click;
public class classB
public event EventHandler classA_Click;
public class classC
public classC(classA a, classB b)
a.Click += b.classA_Click;
b.classA_Click += myMethod;
private void myMethod(object sender, EventArgs e)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox("callback successful");
keep in mind with the "off the top" example i just wrote someone may be tempted to point out that what I am asking would be pointless since I could just assign the following
a.Click += myMethod;
I would rather someone let that response slide and just know if what I proposed can work ... AND if not the way I coded it, then how do I properly do so?