For a communications chanel log, I have a two fields table, field 1= time of event, and field2=eventtype, which can be either R for Received message, S for sent message, or E for error. I get a new row entry each time a message is transferred or the progam fails trying.
I want to write a sql query to give me, by time, the startng and ending time of any consecutive (by time) sequence of error messages, as follows...
table mytable=
Time EventType
064502000 S
064504000 R
064505000 E
064607000 E
064708000 R
064808000 S
064909000 S
065103000 E
065803000 E
070301000 S
would give
Error Outages Report
started 064505000 ended 064708000
started 065103000 ended 070301000
How do I go about this???? right now Im trying to do this with sqlite just to see how good or limted sqlite is, but if nessecary I have sqlserver or sqlanywhere available which I can move up to.
Thanks in advance
I want to write a sql query to give me, by time, the startng and ending time of any consecutive (by time) sequence of error messages, as follows...
table mytable=
Time EventType
064502000 S
064504000 R
064505000 E
064607000 E
064708000 R
064808000 S
064909000 S
065103000 E
065803000 E
070301000 S
would give
Error Outages Report
started 064505000 ended 064708000
started 065103000 ended 070301000
How do I go about this???? right now Im trying to do this with sqlite just to see how good or limted sqlite is, but if nessecary I have sqlserver or sqlanywhere available which I can move up to.
Thanks in advance