Hi All,
I am new to Datastage TX/ETL etc. My background is Java/J2ee developer in websphere platform. Our company is evaluating WBI/WPG and DataStage TX. I am responsible for evaluating DataStage TX. Where I can find technical documentation on this product? How much is learning curve for an experienced Java/J2ee developer? What kind of programming lang. is used in DSTX? How much time it may take to build development environment?
I am new to Datastage TX/ETL etc. My background is Java/J2ee developer in websphere platform. Our company is evaluating WBI/WPG and DataStage TX. I am responsible for evaluating DataStage TX. Where I can find technical documentation on this product? How much is learning curve for an experienced Java/J2ee developer? What kind of programming lang. is used in DSTX? How much time it may take to build development environment?