Imagine you get a string with Session("USERID" in him, how d'you get the real value of Session("USERID" instead of this darn String, that's all !!
I am misunderstanding something. You want to use something similar to "eval" in ASP to evaluate the contents of a string, but you want it to work from inside an ActiveX DLL...
I can't understand if you want to pull the object out of a string or do the eval inside the object (which would not be ASP).
Perhaps a bit longer explanation of what you are attempting to do would help us out. It's just difficult to come to a conclusion when only having a couple words of explanation here and there to go on.
------------ My Little Dictionary ---------
Reverse Engineering - The expensive solution to not paying for proper documentation
In fact, here's my problem.
I'm working in an ActiveX DLL with differents class modules.
I create a templator class that read some htm files and replace some tokens with value of my database.
My problem is that data of my Database are used as string when I put them in my templator, so I can't stored something like Session("USERID" in the DB 'cause I can't eval it in the templator.
So I'm looking for an issue to stored Session variables in my DB that's why I'm trying to eval strings.
Actually, the eval function of VBScript is not what I really need because eval function evaluate expression and not strings, it's the same thing with execute.
I'm on an issue right know using MSScriptControl.
Still need some help ...
If you need the session object in your activex dll you can pass the session object from an asp page to your public sub, function or property.
First you should add a refrerence to the microsoft active server pages object library in your dll project.
In your asp page you create a ref to your dll like so:
objDLL = server.createobject("myproject.myclass"
objDLL.publicSub session
You can make your DLL a com+ or MTS project, then you don't have to pass the session (and the other asp objects response, request,server and application) if you use the objectcontext.
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