Is it possible to evaluate the below statement as a formula in a cell:
= "=" & A1 & LEFT(A3,2) & "00 - " &LEFT(A3,2) & "99\[HIL " & A3 & " " & B3 & ".xlsx]Composition'!$L$1"
Where A1 is a server location and A3 & B3 are just numbers. So the end result will look something like this:
='\\ServerA\2800 - 2899\[HIL 2800 8-069.xlsx]Composition'!$L$1"
Ideally I would like the formula to return the value from file "HIL 2800 8-069.xlsx" from sheet "Composition" from location $L$1. I tried using the evaluate function and defining a formula in the name manager but I it just returns #value. Cell C3 contains the formula I am trying to evaluate.
In the name manager I tried:
Result = Evaluate($C3)
Then Cell C4 would equal =Result
Is there anyway to evaluate this string as a link to the cell in a worksheet without using vba. If I have to use vba to evaluate the cell how would I accomplish that task?
= "=" & A1 & LEFT(A3,2) & "00 - " &LEFT(A3,2) & "99\[HIL " & A3 & " " & B3 & ".xlsx]Composition'!$L$1"
Where A1 is a server location and A3 & B3 are just numbers. So the end result will look something like this:
='\\ServerA\2800 - 2899\[HIL 2800 8-069.xlsx]Composition'!$L$1"
Ideally I would like the formula to return the value from file "HIL 2800 8-069.xlsx" from sheet "Composition" from location $L$1. I tried using the evaluate function and defining a formula in the name manager but I it just returns #value. Cell C3 contains the formula I am trying to evaluate.
In the name manager I tried:
Result = Evaluate($C3)
Then Cell C4 would equal =Result
Is there anyway to evaluate this string as a link to the cell in a worksheet without using vba. If I have to use vba to evaluate the cell how would I accomplish that task?