Hi, just curoius about reliabilty of ETR016 cards. My BC905, and 2 mls12D phones stopped working. I can adjust the ring olny on the MLS phones, so they seam to be getting power. Winspm shows NO errors, all cards are green under maintance. When these extensions are dialed from a MLX / 4412 phones I get a busy signal. I did a cold start, but no luck. warranty on this card is over, last ETR card lasted about 1.5 yeas too. Is it worth sending in for repair?
Magix CKE5 V2.1, TDL412LS-ID, MLX408, 008MLX, 012T/R, ETR016.
Magix CKE5 V2.1, TDL412LS-ID, MLX408, 008MLX, 012T/R, ETR016.