From the Knowledgebase...
"The original MLS series telephones and older wireless telephones are not supported."
I am not all that familiar with the Partner Phone Series in terms of the different models that were released over the lifetime of that product line. I want to be sure I can identify all the phone models that are not supported.
Is it as simple as phones with the letters 'MLS' are not supported? or are there phones that were produced without MLS labeling that are also not supported?
Any Partner System Historians out there?
"The original MLS series telephones and older wireless telephones are not supported."
I am not all that familiar with the Partner Phone Series in terms of the different models that were released over the lifetime of that product line. I want to be sure I can identify all the phone models that are not supported.
Is it as simple as phones with the letters 'MLS' are not supported? or are there phones that were produced without MLS labeling that are also not supported?
Any Partner System Historians out there?