I have a brand spankin' new 2811 router with a NME-16ES-1G-P 16-port etherswitch network module in it.
a show inventory command displays that the NME is installed:
yourname#sh inv
NAME: "2811 chassis", DESCR: "2811 chassis"
PID: CISCO2811 , VID: V06 , SN: FTX1302A3Y1
NAME: "2nd generation four port FXO voice interface daughtercard on Slot 0 SubSl
ot 0", DESCR: "2nd generation four port FXO voice interface daughtercard"
PID: VIC2-4FXO , VID: V03 , SN: FOC12503X48
NAME: "Four port FXS DID voice interface daughtercard on Slot 0 SubSlot 3", DESC
R: "Four port FXS DID voice interface daughtercard"
PID: VIC-4FXS/DID= , VID: 3.1, SN: FOC12424CTS
NAME: "PVDMII DSP SIMM with one DSP on Slot 0 SubSlot 4", DESCR: "PVDMII DSP SIM
M with one DSP"
PID: PVDM2-16 , VID: V01 , SN: FOC12503M8W
NAME: "NME-16ES-1G-P: EtherSwitch SM 16 10/100T PoE + 1 GE on Slot 1", DESCR: "N
ME-16ES-1G-P: EtherSwitch SM 16 10/100T PoE + 1 GE"
PID: NME-16ES-1G-P , VID: V03, SN: FOC12503DC7
a "show ip int brief" command only shows the gig interface on that card, but doesn't show the 16 fastethernet ports:
yourname#sh ip int br
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Prot
FastEthernet0/0 YES NVRAM up down
FastEthernet0/1 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/0 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
any ideas how I get them to appear? IOS version issue?
Zane D.
Systems Admin
I have a brand spankin' new 2811 router with a NME-16ES-1G-P 16-port etherswitch network module in it.
a show inventory command displays that the NME is installed:
yourname#sh inv
NAME: "2811 chassis", DESCR: "2811 chassis"
PID: CISCO2811 , VID: V06 , SN: FTX1302A3Y1
NAME: "2nd generation four port FXO voice interface daughtercard on Slot 0 SubSl
ot 0", DESCR: "2nd generation four port FXO voice interface daughtercard"
PID: VIC2-4FXO , VID: V03 , SN: FOC12503X48
NAME: "Four port FXS DID voice interface daughtercard on Slot 0 SubSlot 3", DESC
R: "Four port FXS DID voice interface daughtercard"
PID: VIC-4FXS/DID= , VID: 3.1, SN: FOC12424CTS
NAME: "PVDMII DSP SIMM with one DSP on Slot 0 SubSlot 4", DESCR: "PVDMII DSP SIM
M with one DSP"
PID: PVDM2-16 , VID: V01 , SN: FOC12503M8W
NAME: "NME-16ES-1G-P: EtherSwitch SM 16 10/100T PoE + 1 GE on Slot 1", DESCR: "N
ME-16ES-1G-P: EtherSwitch SM 16 10/100T PoE + 1 GE"
PID: NME-16ES-1G-P , VID: V03, SN: FOC12503DC7
a "show ip int brief" command only shows the gig interface on that card, but doesn't show the 16 fastethernet ports:
yourname#sh ip int br
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Prot
FastEthernet0/0 YES NVRAM up down
FastEthernet0/1 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/0 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
any ideas how I get them to appear? IOS version issue?
Zane D.
Systems Admin