I've a segment consist of 6 pc's with ethernet card connected together through a hub.
One of those 6 pcs's considered AS A GATEWAY and it has a two network cards, Ethernet and toekn ring.So the ethernet card connected to the hub of other 5 pc's but the token ring card connected to other lan which is a token ring lan.
Now, all 6 pcs's can see each other using the ethernet card through the hub. And the one which has a token ring card can also see the token ring lan.
My problem is the other 5 pcs' with ethernet card can not see the token ring lan through the gateway that mentioned above.
All pc's has a WIN98, any help to make the 5 ethernet pc's can see the token ring lan through a gateway ? how ?
Thanks for any help
One of those 6 pcs's considered AS A GATEWAY and it has a two network cards, Ethernet and toekn ring.So the ethernet card connected to the hub of other 5 pc's but the token ring card connected to other lan which is a token ring lan.
Now, all 6 pcs's can see each other using the ethernet card through the hub. And the one which has a token ring card can also see the token ring lan.
My problem is the other 5 pcs' with ethernet card can not see the token ring lan through the gateway that mentioned above.
All pc's has a WIN98, any help to make the 5 ethernet pc's can see the token ring lan through a gateway ? how ?
Thanks for any help