I have setup a etherchannel on VIO 1.5 server .This contains four physical adapters, three of which are forming link aggregasion while fourth one being used as a backup adapter ( all four however connected to same CISCO core switch)
Every thing works ok , except two things
1. First as alll of these adapters are giga bit , so i should get atleast 3 GB network pipeline on VIO as well as on client lpars.. but how to verify or check this belief?
2. Second, my network admin is saying that on cisco switch level , he is getting some duplicate mac addresses...
He is also of the view that something has to be configured on cisco switch level to support etherchannel setup on VIO server...but i am not sure ... as for simple AIX level , etherchanneling has to be done on AIX level , nothing required to be configured on switch level?
Should i allow him to create a so called " port trunk " on swich level ( on ports whcih are part of AIX ether channel) or just changing protocol to LACP??? Please advice
Many thanks for help
Here comes polani Once again!!!
P690 Certified Specailist
HACMP & AIX Certified Specailist
AIX & HACCMP Instructor
I have setup a etherchannel on VIO 1.5 server .This contains four physical adapters, three of which are forming link aggregasion while fourth one being used as a backup adapter ( all four however connected to same CISCO core switch)
Every thing works ok , except two things
1. First as alll of these adapters are giga bit , so i should get atleast 3 GB network pipeline on VIO as well as on client lpars.. but how to verify or check this belief?
2. Second, my network admin is saying that on cisco switch level , he is getting some duplicate mac addresses...
He is also of the view that something has to be configured on cisco switch level to support etherchannel setup on VIO server...but i am not sure ... as for simple AIX level , etherchanneling has to be done on AIX level , nothing required to be configured on switch level?
Should i allow him to create a so called " port trunk " on swich level ( on ports whcih are part of AIX ether channel) or just changing protocol to LACP??? Please advice
Many thanks for help
Here comes polani Once again!!!
P690 Certified Specailist
HACMP & AIX Certified Specailist
AIX & HACCMP Instructor