I am a bit of a newbie to Linux - used a little @ uni & little @ home, tho I have been working in IT for 10 years.
My expertise is mainly in MS & Citrix worlds (that's enough of the jeering thanks all you Linux-heads ). I know a fair bit about computers/networking, it's just the application of the knowledge in Linux that is getting me.
I am now running RedHat 7(.3 I think?) at home, Kernel 2.4.7-10, using 2 NICs. Eth0 is a 3Com which auto-detected at install, and is working fine for my home LAN. Eth1 is a Cisco Aironet 4800, connected to my corporate 802.11b wireless.
I originally installed PCMCIA services with the OS, so didn't have to re-compile the kernel to get the card going, just ran the install script for the card. All OK.
Now that I've finished that, I can reboot and eth1 does not attempt to start. If I run "insmod airo" the card starts and works OK. (BTW - What is "insmod", what does it do??)
I downloaded linxconf (purely because the instructions semmed to indicate it was the "be all and end all" fix), and tried to install the Aironet as a eth1, but the driver is not listed. I added it as a wireless card however, and it works, but still I need to run "insmod" whenever I reboot to enable the card.
I guess my question is - How do I install the card so that it appears in the Network Configuration the same as the 3Com, and starts at boot time? I assume that if the driver were listed there I could add it OK?>?
Sorry if I seem to be all over the place - that's how we MS people work!!! Cheers,
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My expertise is mainly in MS & Citrix worlds (that's enough of the jeering thanks all you Linux-heads ). I know a fair bit about computers/networking, it's just the application of the knowledge in Linux that is getting me.
I am now running RedHat 7(.3 I think?) at home, Kernel 2.4.7-10, using 2 NICs. Eth0 is a 3Com which auto-detected at install, and is working fine for my home LAN. Eth1 is a Cisco Aironet 4800, connected to my corporate 802.11b wireless.
I originally installed PCMCIA services with the OS, so didn't have to re-compile the kernel to get the card going, just ran the install script for the card. All OK.
Now that I've finished that, I can reboot and eth1 does not attempt to start. If I run "insmod airo" the card starts and works OK. (BTW - What is "insmod", what does it do??)
I downloaded linxconf (purely because the instructions semmed to indicate it was the "be all and end all" fix), and tried to install the Aironet as a eth1, but the driver is not listed. I added it as a wireless card however, and it works, but still I need to run "insmod" whenever I reboot to enable the card.
I guess my question is - How do I install the card so that it appears in the Network Configuration the same as the 3Com, and starts at boot time? I assume that if the driver were listed there I could add it OK?>?
Sorry if I seem to be all over the place - that's how we MS people work!!! Cheers,
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