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Estimation Guidelines for Map development using Mercator.

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Sep 16, 2003

We got the project where in we have to develop 150 maps using Mercator.

We don't have any information regarding those map except that those will be developed for Health care industry.

Are there any guide lines available to estimate the time required for the development of individual map??


We need to estimate the time required for the entire project???

Wow - there's a million dollar question [wink]

There is a 'silly' guideline that was on the basis of about 5 days per map...

2 days for the trees and 3 for the map...

However , of course if you have standard trees - then that cuts out that development time.

With Maps - do they all have 1 output card...? if not then 1 map with 3 or 4 output cards may equate to 4 maps really!

So 1 map with 7 output cards is alot more than 1 map with 1 output card.

Obvious I know in black and white, but can be missed when speccing it all out...

Then there's the map rules. Shouldn't be too tricky if you have a basic knowledge...

And how many maps and trees are re-useable across other maps.

Have you got good quality test data or not? Bad data as well to prove failures. Quality of test data can be a major stopper in the development process.

So, I hope this helps to explain where you may set your Time measurement starting points from.

150 maps is quite an amount and as per my statement on output cards could lead to 300 maps (work cards etc?)

Thx a lot for suggestions, ekimr..

Do update if n e other thoughts come in your mind...as it is very difficult to stream line the requirement & come to the exact time plans without having n e thing in hand.

Only thing i have is the number of maps to be developed & need to send the proposal & estimation for the same...

Hi Vibhav,

150 Maps is quite a lot. From my experience if you have
Standard Type Trees. You should be able to do a Map within 4 days . If you have to create the Type Trees manually then probably it will take you around 7 days for a map to be completed. Anyway CONGRATS!!! for getting such a huge project.

sainathnutakki ,

Thx for reply....

I came to the same conclusion but i need to give breakups of this days. Like what all activity need to be performed during 4 days or 7 days??

Like in other programming language such as VB, we can estimate on the basis of LOC, can we use something similar in this case?

My client want this in n e case before starting the project.

Hmm.. tricky!
Somewhere there have been a document stating time needed based map complexity.

Also it comes down to what kind of documents, specefikations and so on it exists....
Easiest is to give a statment like "IF requiered documentation and test data exists" .. as this part always are a hassle.

as for breakup...
1. Data Collection
( specs... and so on )
2. Data Analyzing.
(check that all is up to date and is enough to work with )
3. Format analyzing
( what format is required ... do it allready exists
and if not how is the structure )
4. Format Creation.
( nope it didnt exist.. create a new typetree from specs )
5. Map prestudy.
( Where from and where to ... passwords..usersinfo and
so on.. both test and prod environemtn )
5. Map generation
( Create mappings with requiered typetrees...)
6. Tests
( with all data in test environemnt )
7. System creation and Deployment
8. "real tests" .. start to end... with live data...
9. Swap it all to production when working

and all this times 150 ;)

Hmm.. not to easy... I guess it all depends on how well
you know the product...
We usally say
2 days for a simple map
5 days for a moderate map
7 days for a complex map
and this is all IF all documents and specs , testdata is in order... As this usally are things you can affect and are delivered by the customer...
I shall se if i can find the document with the definition of map complexity and tme required... and post it.

// Myggiz

Thx a lot....

i will wait for the document with the definition of map complexity and tme required you mentioned.....

Pls post it asap...

Thx.....once again....


So where to put the docs ?
Dosnt seems possible to upload here...

// Roberth
Could you pls mail the document to my email address :-


Another important thing to think about is know about the Mercator ressources you have on the project. If they are experienced you should be able to finish a map in less than seven days. Furthermore you should not forget testing on your different environments, about unix skills when running on unix machine etc.

Do you find the document with the definition of map complexity and tme required you talked about in the above messge??

If yes then kindly send it to me on my email address mentioned. shah_vibhav@hotmail.com


I badly need the same project estimation document. Could you please send it to my address pmoo1952@hotmail.com ? I really appreciate your help.

Best Regards
Hi Myggiz and Vibhav1008,
Can you please please.... upload the project estimation document on some place on the Net so that we can all have access to it, if it is not possible can you please send it to me
my address is hishrini@hotmail.com
really appreciate your response.

Thanks in advance.
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