I have added the follwing code to a data entry form in ACCESS and it works fine except that each time I exit ACCESS the link to SQL Server via ODBC goes away, so upon rentry I have to go to Tool - Database Utilities - Linked Table Manager - check off the table, and the connection is reestablished. Here is the code, which was recently on this forum for another issue;
'Add SQL to string for looking up Master_ID in
'Master Accounts Table on Server
Dim StrLUMID As String
StrLUMID = "SELECT dbo_Master_Accounts.Master_ID FROM"
StrLUMID = StrLUMID + " dbo_Master_Accounts"
StrLUMID = StrLUMID + " where dbo_Master_Accounts.Master_Id='" & Me.Card_No & "'" & "'Uid=as;Pwd=Donalway'"
'StrLUMID = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & "Dbq=" & Server.MapPath(".\db\db.mdb") & ";Uid=sa;Pwd=Donalway;"
'Set up select query
Dim cnndbo As ADODB.Connection
Set cnndbo = CurrentProject.Connection
Dim rsdbo As New ADODB.Recordset
rsdbo.ActiveConnection = cnndbo
rsdbo.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
'Send query to SQL Server
pen StrLUMID
'Interrogate the returned recordset to see if it contains a value.
'If not Display Message. If match, keep on truclin
If rsdbo.EOF = True And rsdbo.BOF = True Then
MsgBox "Invalid Card Number"
End If
End Sub
I have two questions; First, How do I establish linkage to the table Account_Master in VBA, and second, how would I send a password to SQL Server. I have made multiple attempts at both and done a lot of reading, but can't get it to work.
Thanks in advance
'Add SQL to string for looking up Master_ID in
'Master Accounts Table on Server
Dim StrLUMID As String
StrLUMID = "SELECT dbo_Master_Accounts.Master_ID FROM"
StrLUMID = StrLUMID + " dbo_Master_Accounts"
StrLUMID = StrLUMID + " where dbo_Master_Accounts.Master_Id='" & Me.Card_No & "'" & "'Uid=as;Pwd=Donalway'"
'StrLUMID = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & "Dbq=" & Server.MapPath(".\db\db.mdb") & ";Uid=sa;Pwd=Donalway;"
'Set up select query
Dim cnndbo As ADODB.Connection
Set cnndbo = CurrentProject.Connection
Dim rsdbo As New ADODB.Recordset
rsdbo.ActiveConnection = cnndbo
rsdbo.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
'Send query to SQL Server
'Interrogate the returned recordset to see if it contains a value.
'If not Display Message. If match, keep on truclin
If rsdbo.EOF = True And rsdbo.BOF = True Then
MsgBox "Invalid Card Number"
End If
End Sub
I have two questions; First, How do I establish linkage to the table Account_Master in VBA, and second, how would I send a password to SQL Server. I have made multiple attempts at both and done a lot of reading, but can't get it to work.
Thanks in advance