Does anyone know what this means??
Failed to read chunk [2051679] in media [G:\] for storage policy [Disk_Library_New] copy [Offsite_Clone]: Backup job [ 127735 ]. Release reservation failed as the specified reservation was not found in the database table..
Seems to be a random error that I have never seen before. The backup to tape completed without any errors and with Dell's assistance ran Database maintenance of the commvault database. Waiting to see what happens tonight with that backup job aux copy.
Failed to read chunk [2051679] in media [G:\] for storage policy [Disk_Library_New] copy [Offsite_Clone]: Backup job [ 127735 ]. Release reservation failed as the specified reservation was not found in the database table..
Seems to be a random error that I have never seen before. The backup to tape completed without any errors and with Dell's assistance ran Database maintenance of the commvault database. Waiting to see what happens tonight with that backup job aux copy.