The full error is :You tried to execute a query that does not include a specified expression 'AID' as part of an aggregate funtion.
I tried to change this to group by and that did not fix this. I am not even sure where to start on this type of error. Any help is appreciated.
I tried to change this to group by and that did not fix this. I am not even sure where to start on this type of error. Any help is appreciated.
INSERT INTO z_Calc_ICCFix ( uci, aid, encid, tranid, slid, billpd, DOS, PostDt, BillMonthSvc, ProvID, ProvName, LocumID, LocumName, RefProvID, RefProvName, POSID, POSName, FacID, FacName, DtRecvd, PrimInsSD, PrimInsName, TranType, CPTCode, CPTName, CPTComponent, RCID, RCName, BillMonthSvcLine, PostDtTrans, ServDtTrans, Amount )
SELECT "WMG" AS uci, imp_CS.AID, imp_CS.EID, imp_CS.TID, imp_CS.SLID, z_ImportMonthList.ID, imp_CS.[Dt Of Serv], imp_CS.[Post Dt], imp_CS.[Bill Month of Service], imp_CS.[Provider*], imp_CS.[Provider Name], imp_CS.[Locum Tenens*], imp_CS.[Locum Tenens Name], imp_CS.[Referring Phys Ptr*], imp_CS.[Referring Phys Name], imp_CS.[Place of Service*], imp_CS.[POS Name], imp_CS.[Facility*], imp_CS.[Facility Name], imp_CS.[Dt Received], imp_CS.[Prim Ins SD], imp_CS.[Prim Ins Name], imp_CS.[Trans Type], imp_CS.[CPT Code], imp_CS.[CPT Name], imp_CS.[CPT Component], imp_CS.[Revenue Center*], imp_CS.[Revenue Center Name], imp_CS.[Bill Month Of Serv Line], imp_CS.[Post Dt of Trans], imp_CS.[Serv Dt of Trans], Sum(-[Amount]) AS Amt
FROM imp_CS INNER JOIN z_ImportMonthList ON imp_CS.[Bill Mon of Trans] = z_ImportMonthList.MonPostID
WHERE (((imp_CS.[Trans Type])=3) AND ((imp_CS.[Credit Code Sd])="ICC"));