Hello. Please forgive my non-technical terms but I am having a problem with a software program running on NT 4.0 and a 2000 machine. I have always had good luck with this forum so I thought I should give it a shot. This person created this program in Foxpro and cannot tell me how to configure it to run on NT and 2000. It runs fine on 98 and he has it running on a NT server at his office. This program requires us to edit the config.sys file by entering FILES=255 and make sure that it is in C:\. Well, NT has a config.nt file under the winnt\system32\ directory. I took out the FILES=255 from the Config.sys file and put it in the Config.nt file. Unfortunately this didn't work. Can I move the Config.NT file to my C:\ drive without having any NT issues? I know that I am not providing hardly any info here but if you may have any ideas to help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance.