I have just upgraded Arcserve 6.5 from 6.20 to 6.22(hopefuly) under NT4 service pack 5 using LO47027.CAZ(3/Mar/99) followed by LO84873.CAZ (6/Dec/00)
When I try and start Arcserve manager, Hourglass for a second or 2, then nothing.
I looked under services and noticed that the ARCserve Job Engine had not started. On trying to start it, I get:
"Could not start the ARCserve job engine serice....Error 2140:An internal Windows NT error occurred"
A complete re-boot of the server did not resolve the problem.
When I try and start Arcserve manager, Hourglass for a second or 2, then nothing.
I looked under services and noticed that the ARCserve Job Engine had not started. On trying to start it, I get:
"Could not start the ARCserve job engine serice....Error 2140:An internal Windows NT error occurred"
A complete re-boot of the server did not resolve the problem.