Hello there,
I am attempting to convert my Visual Forpro 7.0 applications to Visual Foxpro 9.0 so I can take advantage of the new reporting features. Apparently, I don't have a good understanding of how these new functions work yet.
I am getting the following error:
At least one required index is missing from the configuration table.
Choose OK and I can then generate the HTML file and view the report. The error does not reoccur until I exit the application, re-enter and then try to run the report again.
The error is occuring on the 2nd line of code...
loListener = .NULL.
do (_reportoutput) with 5, loListener
loListener.TargetFileName = forcepath('Paymastv.html', '&cfi')
lOListener.QuietMode = .T.
wait window 'Outputting to HTML...' nowait
erase (loListener.TargetFileName)
object loListener
report form paymastv object loListener
* Display the results.
loShell = newobject('_shellexecute','_environ.vcx')
wait clear
I have tried many things to get rid of the error, but am not sure I am not on a wild goose chase, looking at the wrong things. The last thing I did was copy REPORTBUIILDER.APP, REPORTPREVIEW.APP and REPORTOOUTPUT.APP to my program folder. I have unzipped the source code for these apps and have also tried adding the source to my exe file. I have looked at and recreated the indexes of
_reportoutputconfig.dbf and tried copying this file to
another file adding this to my startup program....
* Set the system variable to use the local source version:
_REPORTBUILDER = "frxbuilder.prg"
do frxBuilder with 3, "&cfsysdrv.&cfi.swrptcnf.dbf"
Anybody have any ideas? I'm getting a little frustrated
. Thanks.
I am attempting to convert my Visual Forpro 7.0 applications to Visual Foxpro 9.0 so I can take advantage of the new reporting features. Apparently, I don't have a good understanding of how these new functions work yet.
I am getting the following error:
At least one required index is missing from the configuration table.
Choose OK and I can then generate the HTML file and view the report. The error does not reoccur until I exit the application, re-enter and then try to run the report again.
The error is occuring on the 2nd line of code...
loListener = .NULL.
do (_reportoutput) with 5, loListener
loListener.TargetFileName = forcepath('Paymastv.html', '&cfi')
lOListener.QuietMode = .T.
wait window 'Outputting to HTML...' nowait
erase (loListener.TargetFileName)
object loListener
report form paymastv object loListener
* Display the results.
loShell = newobject('_shellexecute','_environ.vcx')
wait clear
I have tried many things to get rid of the error, but am not sure I am not on a wild goose chase, looking at the wrong things. The last thing I did was copy REPORTBUIILDER.APP, REPORTPREVIEW.APP and REPORTOOUTPUT.APP to my program folder. I have unzipped the source code for these apps and have also tried adding the source to my exe file. I have looked at and recreated the indexes of
_reportoutputconfig.dbf and tried copying this file to
another file adding this to my startup program....
* Set the system variable to use the local source version:
_REPORTBUILDER = "frxbuilder.prg"
do frxBuilder with 3, "&cfsysdrv.&cfi.swrptcnf.dbf"
Anybody have any ideas? I'm getting a little frustrated