I have a page which a user enters data. Some of the input areas are [bold]textarea[/bold].
This page then gets submitted to another ASP page which enters the data into the database. Theis page then redirects to another page which populates itself with data in the database.
If the user has used Carriage Returns in the textarea's then the population of the page fails.
The population of the page is done at client-side using VBSCript on IE5 and IE5.5 on Windows 98 and Windows 2000.
Does anyone have any ideas?
James [sig]<p>James Culshaw<br><a href=mailto:jamesculshaw@active-data-solutions.co.uk>jamesculshaw@active-data-solutions.co.uk</a><br><a href= Active Data Solutions</a><br> [/sig]
I have a page which a user enters data. Some of the input areas are [bold]textarea[/bold].
This page then gets submitted to another ASP page which enters the data into the database. Theis page then redirects to another page which populates itself with data in the database.
If the user has used Carriage Returns in the textarea's then the population of the page fails.
The population of the page is done at client-side using VBSCript on IE5 and IE5.5 on Windows 98 and Windows 2000.
Does anyone have any ideas?
James [sig]<p>James Culshaw<br><a href=mailto:jamesculshaw@active-data-solutions.co.uk>jamesculshaw@active-data-solutions.co.uk</a><br><a href= Active Data Solutions</a><br> [/sig]