I have a stored procedure and Crystal report that were both created by a vendor and shipped to us to use. However, the stored procedure had errors in it which I resolved by correcting a join condition in the sp. However, the client asked for an extra field to be added to the report. I assumed I could just modify the sp to select the new field and that Crystal would see the new field. However, the field added in the sp never shows up as available in the report. Furthermore, if I try to run the report based on the new sp(even though I'm not displaying the field in Crystal), I get a dll database error. I finally tried creating a new report using the unmodified sp as its database but I received the following:
There are no fields in the file: "PMMTEST2.dbo.Proc(up_rpt_expDetail)".
The end result of the sp is a union of 5 sql statements. There are also 7 parameter fields being passed to the sp.
Any ideas on what would cause these type errors?
Just for information, if I run the query generated by the sp in Query Analyzer, I receive no errors and get back an accurate result set.
Thanks in advance!
I have a stored procedure and Crystal report that were both created by a vendor and shipped to us to use. However, the stored procedure had errors in it which I resolved by correcting a join condition in the sp. However, the client asked for an extra field to be added to the report. I assumed I could just modify the sp to select the new field and that Crystal would see the new field. However, the field added in the sp never shows up as available in the report. Furthermore, if I try to run the report based on the new sp(even though I'm not displaying the field in Crystal), I get a dll database error. I finally tried creating a new report using the unmodified sp as its database but I received the following:
There are no fields in the file: "PMMTEST2.dbo.Proc(up_rpt_expDetail)".
The end result of the sp is a union of 5 sql statements. There are also 7 parameter fields being passed to the sp.
Any ideas on what would cause these type errors?
Just for information, if I run the query generated by the sp in Query Analyzer, I receive no errors and get back an accurate result set.
Thanks in advance!