Hey everyone, long time lurker, first time poster.
After doing a couple of searches on this, nothing came up. Maybe one (or more) of you can help me. It's a pretty simple problem, but I'm a little confused.
I tried running an ant compileAll this morning (like I do every morning at work to refresh everything), but I got a strange error message: a popup window that stated:
Error while setting up environment for the application.
After closing that prompt, it told me I had a NullPointerException in my build.xml file at the line
<property environment="env.vars"/>
Since this line is pointing to my environment variables, and I KNOW those are set correctly, I assumed it had something to do with the file I added yesterday before I left work. It's under ANT_HOME\properties and it just has my projects directory home and my ant home directory.
My question is why I cannot run compileAll?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
After doing a couple of searches on this, nothing came up. Maybe one (or more) of you can help me. It's a pretty simple problem, but I'm a little confused.
I tried running an ant compileAll this morning (like I do every morning at work to refresh everything), but I got a strange error message: a popup window that stated:
Error while setting up environment for the application.
After closing that prompt, it told me I had a NullPointerException in my build.xml file at the line
<property environment="env.vars"/>
Since this line is pointing to my environment variables, and I KNOW those are set correctly, I assumed it had something to do with the file I added yesterday before I left work. It's under ANT_HOME\properties and it just has my projects directory home and my ant home directory.
My question is why I cannot run compileAll?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.