I am having difficulty supporting the following script written by a consultant. It has been running since put into production last week. I have been called in this morning to resolve the fact that the users cannot produce reports because they get an error on line 42 of the script below. The syntax seems to follow that of Business Objects kbase c2016820.asp entry.
I have been informed that MS patched were applied to the server between the last successful run of the reports and now. NO changes to the Remedy code or the asp files have been made since the last run yesterday morning.
Can you please assist in the trouble shooting of this production server? What should I look for? We are using Crystal Enterprise V9 on a Windows server, and running reports through Remedy 5.1.2 from an Oracle 8i database. Thank you in advance for any help you may provide.
Response.Expires = 0
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=charset=UTF-8">
<TITLE>Logon Result</TITLE>
<LINK rel="stylesheet" HREF="styles.css" type="text/css">
' This code was largely taken from the Crystal Enterprise SDK
' It processes the logon info posted from the form on the Default.asp page
' And if successful, redirects the browser to the home.asp page
Dim UserID, Password, APS, Aut
'Retrieve the user information from the form
'on the previous page.
strAPS = Request.querystring("APS")
UserID = Request.form("UserID")
Password= Request.form("Password")
'Authentication type.
Aut = Request.form("Aut")
On Error Resume Next
Dim SessionManager
'Create an Enterprise SessionManager.
Set SessionManager = Server.CreateObject("CrystalEnterprise.SessionMgr")
On Error Goto 0
If Err.Number <> 0 then
Response.Write "Couldn't create SessionManager<BR>"
Response.write "Click <A HREF=""Default.asp"">here</A> to return to main page.<BR>"
Dim Sess
'Log the user onto Crystal Enterprise.
Set Sess = SessionManager.Logon(UserID, Password, strAPS, Aut)
'Check to see if logon failed.
If Err.Number <> 0 then
'If the logon failed show a message box with an error description.
Response.Write "<SCRIPT language=""javascript""> " & _
" alert (""Sorry - you could not be logged on to " & _
"this server. Ensure that your user name and " & _
"password, as well as the APS name are correct. " & _
'Redirect the user back to the logon page.
'Response.Redirect "LogonForm.csp"
Response.Write "<META HTTP-EQUIV='refresh' CONTENT='0;URL=Default.asp'>"
Dim IStore
Dim LogonTokenMgr
'Create the InfoStore object.
Set IStore = Sess.Service ("", "InfoStore")
'Store the InfoStore object in the session.
set Session("IStore") = IStore
'Retrieve the LogonTokenManager.
Set LogonTokenMgr = Sess.LogonTokenMgr
'Session("IStore") = Sess.LogonTokenMgr
'Retrieve a Logon Token and store it in the user's cookie file for later use.
Response.Cookies("LogonToken") = LogonTokenMgr.CreateLogonTokenEx("", 60, 100)
'Redirect the user to the site's home page.
Response.Redirect "home.asp"
End If
End If
I am having difficulty supporting the following script written by a consultant. It has been running since put into production last week. I have been called in this morning to resolve the fact that the users cannot produce reports because they get an error on line 42 of the script below. The syntax seems to follow that of Business Objects kbase c2016820.asp entry.
I have been informed that MS patched were applied to the server between the last successful run of the reports and now. NO changes to the Remedy code or the asp files have been made since the last run yesterday morning.
Can you please assist in the trouble shooting of this production server? What should I look for? We are using Crystal Enterprise V9 on a Windows server, and running reports through Remedy 5.1.2 from an Oracle 8i database. Thank you in advance for any help you may provide.
Response.Expires = 0
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=charset=UTF-8">
<TITLE>Logon Result</TITLE>
<LINK rel="stylesheet" HREF="styles.css" type="text/css">
' This code was largely taken from the Crystal Enterprise SDK
' It processes the logon info posted from the form on the Default.asp page
' And if successful, redirects the browser to the home.asp page
Dim UserID, Password, APS, Aut
'Retrieve the user information from the form
'on the previous page.
strAPS = Request.querystring("APS")
UserID = Request.form("UserID")
Password= Request.form("Password")
'Authentication type.
Aut = Request.form("Aut")
On Error Resume Next
Dim SessionManager
'Create an Enterprise SessionManager.
Set SessionManager = Server.CreateObject("CrystalEnterprise.SessionMgr")
On Error Goto 0
If Err.Number <> 0 then
Response.Write "Couldn't create SessionManager<BR>"
Response.write "Click <A HREF=""Default.asp"">here</A> to return to main page.<BR>"
Dim Sess
'Log the user onto Crystal Enterprise.
Set Sess = SessionManager.Logon(UserID, Password, strAPS, Aut)
'Check to see if logon failed.
If Err.Number <> 0 then
'If the logon failed show a message box with an error description.
Response.Write "<SCRIPT language=""javascript""> " & _
" alert (""Sorry - you could not be logged on to " & _
"this server. Ensure that your user name and " & _
"password, as well as the APS name are correct. " & _
'Redirect the user back to the logon page.
'Response.Redirect "LogonForm.csp"
Response.Write "<META HTTP-EQUIV='refresh' CONTENT='0;URL=Default.asp'>"
Dim IStore
Dim LogonTokenMgr
'Create the InfoStore object.
Set IStore = Sess.Service ("", "InfoStore")
'Store the InfoStore object in the session.
set Session("IStore") = IStore
'Retrieve the LogonTokenManager.
Set LogonTokenMgr = Sess.LogonTokenMgr
'Session("IStore") = Sess.LogonTokenMgr
'Retrieve a Logon Token and store it in the user's cookie file for later use.
Response.Cookies("LogonToken") = LogonTokenMgr.CreateLogonTokenEx("", 60, 100)
'Redirect the user to the site's home page.
Response.Redirect "home.asp"
End If
End If