I am trying to run a script that will install lotus notes on a computer on my network remotely. The computer has XP sp2 on it. I have already disabled the firewall on it. When I run the script, a message box pops up with the # 3 as its message. When you look at the script below, you will notice that in the last line of the file i am echoing the error message returned by the install command. I know that if it returns a 0, the install was successful and that if it returns a 1 it failed. I do not however know what a 3 means. Here is my script (It uses WMI):
strComputer = ""
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set objSoftware = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Product")
errReturn = objSoftware.Install("L:\DOMINO\Notes653\Lotus Notes 6.5.3.msi",,True)
Wscript.Echo errReturn
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
I am trying to run a script that will install lotus notes on a computer on my network remotely. The computer has XP sp2 on it. I have already disabled the firewall on it. When I run the script, a message box pops up with the # 3 as its message. When you look at the script below, you will notice that in the last line of the file i am echoing the error message returned by the install command. I know that if it returns a 0, the install was successful and that if it returns a 1 it failed. I do not however know what a 3 means. Here is my script (It uses WMI):
strComputer = ""
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set objSoftware = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Product")
errReturn = objSoftware.Install("L:\DOMINO\Notes653\Lotus Notes 6.5.3.msi",,True)
Wscript.Echo errReturn
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,