Hi all, I was wondering if anyone had ever run into this error while trying to print the material plan:
Error in Macro PRINTER-WRITE - call to Write Data
Error (0x000006BE) in call to StartPage
General Error
Print Document Error
I looked up the error code (0x000006BE), it's a generic Windows RPC call failed error, so somewhere it's just failing to print. This error just started, and I'm really in a bind. I tried using a different computer, reinstalling printer drivers, making sure the printer memory was fine, etc. I'm using Progression 7.6.100a.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
Error in Macro PRINTER-WRITE - call to Write Data
Error (0x000006BE) in call to StartPage
General Error
Print Document Error
I looked up the error code (0x000006BE), it's a generic Windows RPC call failed error, so somewhere it's just failing to print. This error just started, and I'm really in a bind. I tried using a different computer, reinstalling printer drivers, making sure the printer memory was fine, etc. I'm using Progression 7.6.100a.
Any suggestions? Thanks!