from a vbs file we open an outlook email using
set out=createobject("outlook.application")
set namespace=out.getnamespace("mapi")
mail.Display 'visualizzo la mail
Starting from today (yesterday all worked correctly) we receive this error (outlook 365)
Error: the class doens't support the automation 'CrateObject'
Do you know if there are some windows update that can generate this problem?
from a vbs file we open an outlook email using
set out=createobject("outlook.application")
set namespace=out.getnamespace("mapi")
mail.Display 'visualizzo la mail
Starting from today (yesterday all worked correctly) we receive this error (outlook 365)
Error: the class doens't support the automation 'CrateObject'
Do you know if there are some windows update that can generate this problem?