I have a form with a bunch of checkboxes, to procede to the next form you need at least 1 of them to be checked. So I run a if statement on each checkbox and end up with:
This works fine for me, however when we sent the DB to the person who will actually be using it who is only running the access runtimes says after they get that error box, the application totally shuts down on them. Is using "end" the correct way to go?
If AreBlank = True Then
MsgBox "You must select at least 1 Product", vbOKOnly, "Error"
End If
This works fine for me, however when we sent the DB to the person who will actually be using it who is only running the access runtimes says after they get that error box, the application totally shuts down on them. Is using "end" the correct way to go?