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Error on update

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Technical User
Jul 3, 2002
I'm getting this error when I click on succesive controls on my form.
"The Data has been changed.
Another user edited this record and saved the changes before you attempted to save your changes. Re-Edit Record.
I've got a number of controls that update a record. When I click OK to the error Dialogue box the record is updated properly. There is only 1 user for the db so I'd like to eliminate this Dialogue box. I've tried doCmd.setwarnings False (which stops the dialogue box to confirm updates) but I still get the mentioned dialogue box. Can this info box be eliminated or is there a way to put my updates in a transaction. I'm a newbie with access I'm used to working with SQL server and ASP so all help would be much appreciated. Here's the code for the form;
Private Sub AddIng_Click()
Dim Var As Variant
Dim Num As Variant
For Each Num In Me!IngNmPrc.ItemsSelected()
If Len(Num) <> 0 Then
Var = CDbl(Var) + Me!IngNmPrc.Column(2, Num)
End If
Me!Pprice.Value = (Me!Pprice.Value + Var)
'MsgBox Var

Dim Var1 As Variant
Dim Stng As Variant
For Each Stng In Me!IngNmPrc.ItemsSelected()
If Len(Stng) <> 0 Then
Var1 = Var1 & Me!IngNmPrc.Column(1, Stng) & &quot;, &quot;
End If
Next 'Tezt Code for adding stuff
Me!IngInfo.Value = Var1 'This where the values of the text box are shown
'MsgBox Var1

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_AddIng_Click

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.Close acForm, &quot;FillindOrdersOldCustomer&quot;
DoCmd.Close acForm, &quot;CustomersForm&quot;
End Sub

Private Sub PrcChk_Click()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Select Case PrcChk
Case 1
Me!Pprice = CDbl(Me!SinglPrcSm)
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Size=('Small Single')where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
Case 2
Me!Pprice = CDbl(Me!SnglPrcmed)
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Size=('Medium Single')where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
Case 3
Me!Pprice = CDbl(Me!SnglPrcLrg)
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Size=('Large Single')where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
Case 4
Me!Pprice = CDbl(Me!DblPrcSm)
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Size=('Small Double')where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
Case 5
Me!Pprice = CDbl(Me!DblPrcM)
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Size=('Medium Double')where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
Case 6
Me!Pprice = CDbl(Me!Price)
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Size=('Large Double')where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
Case Else
Me!Pprice = &quot;No Price&quot;
End Select
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub
Private Sub Command66_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command66_Click
Me!Pprice.Value = CDbl(Me!Pprice.Value) * CDbl(Me!Quantity.Value)
Var = Me!Pprice.Value
Var1 = Me!IngInfo.Value
Var2 = Me!Quantity.Value
Var3 = Me!PrID.Value

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Custom_Ingedients=('&quot; & Var1 & &quot;')where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Quantity=(&quot; & Var2 & &quot;) where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Product_ID=(&quot; & Var3 & &quot;) where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Price=(&quot; & Var & &quot;) where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
'Dim stDocName As String
'Pinting Command
'stDocName = &quot;FirstTry&quot;
'DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command66_Click

End Sub

Private Sub Extras_Click()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Select Case Extras
Case 1
Me!Pprice.Value = (Me!Pprice.Value + CDbl(Me!GTst.Value))
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Garlic_Toast=('Garlic Toast')where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
Me!Extra.Value = (Me!Extra.Value + &quot;Garlic Toast&quot; & &quot;, &quot;)
Case 2
Me!Pprice.Value = (Me!Pprice.Value + CDbl(Me!GTstChz.Value))
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Garlic_Toast=('Garlic Toast with Cheese')where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
Me!Extra.Value = (Me!Extra.Value + &quot;Garlic Toast With Cheese&quot; & &quot;, &quot;)
Case 3
Me!Pprice.Value = (Me!Pprice.Value + CDbl(Me!GBrStk.Value))
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Garlic_Toast=('Garlic breadstick')where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
Me!Extra.Value = (Me!Extra.Value + &quot;Garlic Breadstick&quot; & &quot;, &quot;)
Case 4
Me!Pprice.Value = (Me!Pprice.Value + CDbl(Me!GBrStkChz.Value))
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Garlic_Toast=('Garlic breadstick with cheese')where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
Me!Extra.Value = (Me!Extra.Value + &quot;Garlic Breadstick With Cheese&quot; & &quot;, &quot;)
Case 5
Me!Pprice.Value = (Me!Pprice.Value + CDbl(Me!CSal.Value))
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Salad=('Ceaser salad')where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
Me!Extra.Value = (Me!Extra.Value + &quot;Ceaser Salad&quot; & &quot;, &quot;)
Case 6
Me!Pprice.Value = (Me!Pprice.Value + CDbl(Me!GrSal.Value))
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Salad=('Greek salad')where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
Me!Extra.Value = (Me!Extra.Value + &quot;Greek Salad&quot; & &quot;, &quot;)
Case 7
Me!Pprice.Value = (Me!Pprice.Value + CDbl(Me!Coke.Value))
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Pop=('Coke')where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
Me!Extra.Value = (Me!Extra.Value + &quot;Coke&quot; & &quot;, &quot;)
Case 8
Me!Pprice.Value = (Me!Pprice.Value + CDbl(Me!SevenUp.Value))
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Pop=('7 Up')where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
Me!Extra.Value = (Me!Extra.Value + &quot;7 Up&quot; & &quot;, &quot;)
Case 9
Me!Pprice.Value = (Me!Pprice.Value + CDbl(Me!Orng.Value))
DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Update Orders SET Pop=('Orange')where Order_ID = (SELECT MAX ([Order_ID]) FROM orders)&quot;
Me!Extra.Value = (Me!Extra.Value + &quot;Orange&quot; & &quot;, &quot;)
End Select
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

End Sub

Private Sub PuDel_Click()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
O_ID = CDbl(DMax(&quot;Order_ID&quot;, &quot;Orders&quot;))
If Me!PuDel.Value = 2 Then
StrSQl = &quot;Insert Into Shipping Values (&quot; & O_ID & &quot;,'Delivery','test')&quot;
ElseIf Me!PuDel.Value = 1 Then
StrSQl = &quot;Insert Into Shipping Values (&quot; & O_ID & &quot;,'Pick Up','test')&quot;
End If

DoCmd.RunSQL StrSQl
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

Private Sub Quantity_Click()
Me!Pprice.Value = CDbl(Me!Pprice.Value) * CDbl(Me!Quantity.Value)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_load()
DoCmd.MoveSize 1500, 0, 10000, 10000
End Sub

You get the message when in a multi user database, two or more users try to access the same record (or page of records) simultaneously.
Take a look at the form's RecordLocks property to see what the best option is for your situation, as it depends on how your application is used.

I have gotten the same message and compacting and repairing the database works wonders on getting rid of that problem.

Also, while in design view, check under tools/security to see if you have inadvertently locked anything.

Judge Hopkins

There are only two rules for success: (1) Never tell everything you know.
Just offhand it looks like there are several types of update methods going to the same record at more or less the same time which is a no-no in SQL.
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