Hi everyone,
Before beginning I just wanted to say I've posted the full page code, as well as the custom class code at the end of this post.
I've been trying to solve a problem with a php form that has an error on submit. The error I've been getting is as follows:
Fatal error: Cannot use object of type MyResult as array in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/newsite/admin/insertNewGarment.php on line 110
Line 110 refers to this line:
$values[$garment_id]['size'] = $sizes[$i];
Even though I'm getting this error, the form seems to function partially in that it inserts the information into my database table.
The part that doesn't work and which I assume is related to the error is the following code:
I've been told by someone that the mistake is in the misuse of the $sizes variable – it's defined as an object that represents a query resource, but doesn't contain the actual data from that resource. Apparently I have to call the fetch_assoc() function of that class to actually pull the data out of the query.
I was told to modify the code around line 110 to properly pull the data out of the query and then assign it to $values[$garment_id]['size'].
Apparently line 285 as follows:
while ($row = $colours->fetch_assoc()) {
...is the type of code I'm supposed to use. Right now I'm using $sizes as if it were the array built from the fetch_assoc() function in the MyResult class, but it's not the case... apparently I simply need to call that function to get the data.
I'm just still a bit confused as to how I need to revise line 110 etc by calling the function. Can someone tell me how I'd do this?
Before beginning I just wanted to say I've posted the full page code, as well as the custom class code at the end of this post.
I've been trying to solve a problem with a php form that has an error on submit. The error I've been getting is as follows:
Fatal error: Cannot use object of type MyResult as array in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/newsite/admin/insertNewGarment.php on line 110
Line 110 refers to this line:
$values[$garment_id]['size'] = $sizes[$i];
Even though I'm getting this error, the form seems to function partially in that it inserts the information into my database table.
The part that doesn't work and which I assume is related to the error is the following code:
// build array of garment_id/category_id pairs, garment_id/colour_id pairs, and garment_id/size_id pairs one for each category, colour and size
$values = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($_POST['category'] as $categories) {
$values[$garment_id]['category'] = $categories;
$values[$garment_id]['colour'] = $colours[$i];
$values[$garment_id]['size'] = $sizes[$i];
// insert garment_id/category_id, garment_id/color_id, and garment_id/size_id pairs into garment to category, garment to color, and garment to size lookup tables
$k = array_keys($values);
foreach( $k as $key ) {
$cat_sql = "INSERT INTO garment_to_category (garment_id, category_id) VALUES ($key, {$values[$key][category]})";
$colour_sql = "INSERT INTO garment_to_colour (garment_id, colour_id) VALUES ($key, {$values[$key][colour]})";
$size_sql = "INSERT INTO garment_to_size (garment_id, size_id) VALUES ($key, {$values[$key][size]})";
$result = $db->query($cat_sql);
$result = $db->query($colour_sql);
$result = $db->query($size_sql);
I've been told by someone that the mistake is in the misuse of the $sizes variable – it's defined as an object that represents a query resource, but doesn't contain the actual data from that resource. Apparently I have to call the fetch_assoc() function of that class to actually pull the data out of the query.
I was told to modify the code around line 110 to properly pull the data out of the query and then assign it to $values[$garment_id]['size'].
Apparently line 285 as follows:
while ($row = $colours->fetch_assoc()) {
...is the type of code I'm supposed to use. Right now I'm using $sizes as if it were the array built from the fetch_assoc() function in the MyResult class, but it's not the case... apparently I simply need to call that function to get the data.
I'm just still a bit confused as to how I need to revise line 110 etc by calling the function. Can someone tell me how I'd do this?
// this code always runs, and gets lists of suppliers and garment categories
$db=new Database('localhost','root','password','catalogue',0);
$getSuppliers = 'SELECT * FROM suppliers ORDER BY supplier';
$suppliers = $db->query($getSuppliers);
$getGarment_types = 'SELECT * FROM garment_types ORDER BY garment_type';
$garment_types = $db->query($getGarment_types);
$getCategories = 'SELECT * FROM categories ORDER BY category';
$categories = $db->query($getCategories);
$getColours = 'SELECT * FROM colours ORDER BY colour';
$colours = $db->query($getColours);
$getSizes = 'SELECT * FROM sizes ORDER BY size';
$sizes = $db->query($getSizes);
// this first block runs only if the form has been submitted
if ($_POST) {
// check for empty fields
foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) {
// category and colour are sub-arrays, so skip
if (is_array($value)) continue;
if ($key == 'extrainfo') continue;
$value = trim($value);
if (empty($value)) {
if ($key == 'stylenum') {
$error[] = 'You must enter a style number';
// if no supplier selected, value is 0, considered empty by PHP
elseif ($key == 'supplier') {
$error[] = 'You must select a supplier';
elseif ($key == 'sizes') {
$error[] = 'You must select a size';
elseif ($key == 'garment_type') {
$error[] = 'You must select a garment type';
else {
$error[] = ucfirst($key).' is required';
// check that a garment category has been chosen
if ($_POST['category'][0] == 'choose' && count($_POST['category']) <= 1) {
$error[] = 'Select at least one category, or choose "Not listed"';
// check that a garment colour has been chosen
if ($_POST['colour'][0] == 'choose' && count($_POST['colour']) <= 1) {
$error[] = 'Select at least one colour, or choose "Not listed"';
// if all fields correctly filled, prepare to insert in database
if (!isset($error)) {
// final preparations for insertion
// escape quotes and apostrophes if magic_quotes_gpc off
if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) {
// skip category and colour sub-arrays
if (is_array($value)) continue;
$temp = addslashes($value);
$_POST[$key] = $temp;
// create a Database instance, and set error reporting to plain text
$db = new Database('localhost','root','password','catalogue',0);
// first check that the same style number and supplier combination doesn't already exist
$stylenum = $_POST['stylenum'];
$supplier = $_POST['supplier'];
$checkCode = "SELECT stylenum FROM garments WHERE stylenum = '$stylenum' AND supplier_id = '$supplier'";
$result = $db->query($checkCode);
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
$error[] = 'A garment with that code and supplier already exists in the database';
else {
// if style number and supplier combination unique, insert garment into garments table
foreach($_POST as $key=>$val){
if($val == 'other') $_POST[$key] = "0";
$insert = 'INSERT INTO garments (supplier_id, garment_type_id, title, stylenum, description, extra_info,image, swatch_image)
VALUES ("'.$_POST['supplier'].'","'.$_POST['garment_type'].'","'.$_POST['title'].'","'.$_POST['stylenum'].'","'.$_POST['description'].'","'.$_POST['extrainfo'].'","'.$_POST['image'].'","'.$_POST['swatch'].'")';
$result = $db->query($insert);
// get the primary key of the record just inserted
$getGarment_id = 'SELECT garment_id FROM garments
WHERE stylenum = "'.$_POST['stylenum'].'"';
$result = $db->query($getGarment_id);
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
$garment_id = $row['garment_id'];
// if "Select category(s)" and "Select colour(s) still selected, remove from the array
if ($_POST['category'][0] == 'choose' || $_POST['colour'][0] == 'choose'){
if (in_array('other', $_POST['category'])) {
$i = array_keys($_POST['category'],'other');
$_POST['category'][$i] = 0;
if (in_array('other', $_POST['colour'])) {
$i = array_keys($_POST['colour'],'other');
$_POST['colour'][$i] = 0;
// build array of garment_id/category_id pairs, garment_id/colour_id pairs, and garment_id/size_id pairs one for each category, colour and size
$values = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($_POST['category'] as $categories) {
$values[$garment_id]['category'] = $categories;
$values[$garment_id]['colour'] = $colours[$i];
$values[$garment_id]['size'] = $sizes[$i];
// insert garment_id/category_id, garment_id/color_id, and garment_id/size_id pairs into garment to category, garment to color, and garment to size lookup tables
$k = array_keys($values);
foreach( $k as $key ) {
$cat_sql = "INSERT INTO garment_to_category (garment_id, category_id) VALUES ($key, {$values[$key][category]})";
$colour_sql = "INSERT INTO garment_to_colour (garment_id, colour_id) VALUES ($key, {$values[$key][colour]})";
$size_sql = "INSERT INTO garment_to_size (garment_id, size_id) VALUES ($key, {$values[$key][size]})";
$result = $db->query($cat_sql);
$result = $db->query($colour_sql);
$result = $db->query($size_sql);
// if successful, redirect to confirmation page
if ($result) {
header('Location: listGarments.php?action=inserted&title='.$_POST['title']);
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<ul id="p7PMnav">
<li><a href="#" class="p7PMtrg" id="height">List garments</a>
<li><a href="#">List suppliers</a></li>
<li><a href="#">List categories</a></li>
<li><a href="#">List garment types</a></li>
<li><a href="#">List colours</a></li>
<li><a href="#">List sizes</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="p7PMtrg" id="height">Add new garment</a>
<li><a href="#">Add new supplier</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Add new category</a></li>
<li><a href="#" id="unique">Add new garment type</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Add new colour</a></li>
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<h1>Insert new garment</h1>
if (isset($error)) {
echo '<div id="alert"><p>Please correct the following:</p><ul>';
foreach ($error as $item) {
echo "<li>$item</li>";
echo '</ul></div>';
<form id="garmentDets" name="garmentDets" method="post" action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<table id="garmentInsert" cellpadding="0">
<th width="180" class="labelLeft">Supplier</th>
<td colspan="2"><select name="supplier" id="supplier">
<option value="0" selected="selected">Select supplier</option>
<option value="other">Not listed</option>
while ($row = $suppliers->fetch_assoc()) {
echo '<option value="'.$row['supplier_id'].'">';
echo $row['supplier'].'</option>';
<th class="labelLeft">Garment type</th>
<td colspan="2"><select name="garment_type" id="garment_type">
<option value="0" selected="selected">Select garment type</option>
<option value="other">Not listed</option>
while ($row = $garment_types->fetch_assoc()) {
echo '<option value="'.$row['garment_type_id'].'">';
echo $row['garment_type'].'</option>';
<th class="labelLeft">Garment category(s)</th>
<td colspan="2"><select name="category[]" size="6" multiple="multiple" id="category">
<option value="choose" selected="selected">Select garment category(s)</option>
<option value="other">Not listed</option>
while ($row = $categories->fetch_assoc()) {
echo '<option value="'.$row['category_id'].'">';
echo $row['category'].'</option>';
<th class="labelLeft">Title</th>
<td colspan="2"><input name="title" type="text" class="widebox" id="title" /></td>
<th class="labelLeft" scope="row">Style Number </th>
<td colspan="2"><input name="stylenum" type="text" class="narrowbox" id="stylenum" /></td>
<th class="labelLeft" scope="row">Description</th>
<td colspan="2"><textarea name="description" id="description"></textarea></td>
<th class="labelLeft" scope="row">Extra info </th>
<td colspan="2"><input name="extrainfo" type="text" class="widebox" id="extrainfo" /></td>
<th class="labelLeft" scope="row">Colours</th>
<td colspan="2"><select name="colour[]" size="6" multiple="multiple" id="colour">
<option value="choose" selected="selected">Select colour(s)</option>
<option value="other">Not listed</option>
while ($row = $colours->fetch_assoc()) {
echo '<option value="'.$row['colour_id'].'">';
echo $row['colour'].'</option>';
<th class="labelLeft" scope="row">Swatch image </th>
<td colspan="2">Yes
<input name="swatch" type="radio" value="y" />
<input name="swatch" type="radio" value="n" /></td>
<th class="labelLeft" scope="row">Sizes</th>
<td colspan="2"><select name="sizes" id="sizes">
<option value="0" selected="selected">Select sizes</option>
<option value="other">Not listed</option>
while ($row = $sizes->fetch_assoc()) {
echo '<option value="'.$row['size_id'].'">';
echo $row['size'].'</option>';
// close database connection
<th class="labelLeft" scope="row">Image</th>
<td width="190">Yes
<input name="image" type="radio" value="y" />
<input name="image" type="radio" value="n" /></td>
<td id="garmentSubmit"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Insert new garment" /></td>
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<div id="footer">© Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. </div>
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class Database {
protected $host;
protected $user;
protected $pwd;
protected $dbName;
protected $flash;
protected $dbLink;
protected $result;
protected $resultObj;
function __construct($host, $user, $pwd, $dbName, $flash=1){
$this->host = $host;
$this->user = $user;
$this->pwd = $pwd;
$this->dbName = $dbName;
$this->flash = $flash;
// Connect to the mySQL Server and Select the database
public function connect() {
try {
$this->dbLink = @mysqli_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pwd, $this->dbName);
if (!$this->dbLink) {
throw new Exception ("Couldn't connect $this->user to $this->dbName");
catch (Exception $e) {
echo $this->flash ? 'error='.urlencode($e->getMessage()) : $e->getMessage();
return $this->dbLink;
// Execute an SQL query
public function query($query) {
try {
$this->result = mysqli_query($this->dbLink, $query);
if (!$this->result) {
throw new Exception ('MySQL Error: ' . mysqli_error($this->dbLink));
catch (Exception $e) {
echo $this->flash ? 'error='.urlencode($e->getMessage()) : $e->getMessage();
// store result in new object to emulate mysqli OO interface
$this->resultObj = new MyResult($this->result);
return $this->resultObj;
// Close MySQL Connection
public function close(){
class MyResult {
protected $theResult;
public $num_rows;
function __construct($r) {
if (is_bool($r)) {
$this->num_rows = 0;
else {
$this->theResult = $r;
// get total number of records found
$this->num_rows = mysqli_num_rows($r);
// fetch associative array of result (works on one row at a time)
function fetch_assoc() {
$newRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($this->theResult);
return $newRow;