I've written some code in VB6 using the Crystal 8.5 RDC to change the database that a report is using before displaying it.
The code loops through the tables in the report, calling SetLogOnInfo() for each one. Having done this, I'm calling the Verify() method on the report's database object. Unfortunately, calling Verify() occasionally causes the following error to be displayed:
ODBC Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Connection not open
I have called the Crystal Application's LogOnServer() method before all this happens, and because it hasn't raised an error, I assume that the connection has been made correctly. Does anyone have any ideas why I might be getting this error?
The code loops through the tables in the report, calling SetLogOnInfo() for each one. Having done this, I'm calling the Verify() method on the report's database object. Unfortunately, calling Verify() occasionally causes the following error to be displayed:
ODBC Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Connection not open
I have called the Crystal Application's LogOnServer() method before all this happens, and because it hasn't raised an error, I assume that the connection has been made correctly. Does anyone have any ideas why I might be getting this error?