I'm fairly new at ASP/VBScript writing, but I'm getting an odd error that I don't understand why I'm getting it.
The error is
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch
/sierrajit/charts/rai/add_calc.asp, line 47
Line 47 of the page is
rai_1 = a_act_1 / a_tot_1
Before this line run's the values of these three variables are.
rai_1 is a empty variable, created with a Dim rai_1 at the beginning of the page.
a_act_1 and a_tot_1 where both declared at the begining of the page, but have had numeric values inserted into them from a database.
I'm using the following code to place the data into these variables.
a_tot_1 = objRS("A_ITEM_TOTAL"
a_act_1 = objRS("A_ACTIVE"
If I put a response.write just before line 47, forcing it to display the values of both of those variables, they show the correct numeric values.
Any idea's why I would be getting a "type mismatch" ?
The error is
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch
/sierrajit/charts/rai/add_calc.asp, line 47
Line 47 of the page is
rai_1 = a_act_1 / a_tot_1
Before this line run's the values of these three variables are.
rai_1 is a empty variable, created with a Dim rai_1 at the beginning of the page.
a_act_1 and a_tot_1 where both declared at the begining of the page, but have had numeric values inserted into them from a database.
I'm using the following code to place the data into these variables.
a_tot_1 = objRS("A_ITEM_TOTAL"
a_act_1 = objRS("A_ACTIVE"
If I put a response.write just before line 47, forcing it to display the values of both of those variables, they show the correct numeric values.
Any idea's why I would be getting a "type mismatch" ?