I have a script working background to ftp files from dirA to another server and process it, and it working fine.
Now, I copy that script to another name, and change the dirA to dirB and run manually, and I get error below. I don't know why, could someone help please? Thanks
Notify that, both scripts are run at Korn shell.
[red]get_convert[19]: 20050110: not found[/red]
where '20050110' is just a variable set as:
$GET_DATE = '20050110'
I have a script working background to ftp files from dirA to another server and process it, and it working fine.
Now, I copy that script to another name, and change the dirA to dirB and run manually, and I get error below. I don't know why, could someone help please? Thanks
Notify that, both scripts are run at Korn shell.
[red]get_convert[19]: 20050110: not found[/red]
where '20050110' is just a variable set as:
$GET_DATE = '20050110'