I'm creating my first template using DW MX. When I go to save a change after creating an Editable Region I get this message:
You have placed the editable region h2 inside a <p> tag or other block tag. Users of this template will not be able to create new paragraphs in this region. Move the region outside the <p> tag if you wish to allow this.
Any idea what this means and how I fix it?
Thanks for your help
Here's the code on my page:
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I'm creating my first template using DW MX. When I go to save a change after creating an Editable Region I get this message:
You have placed the editable region h2 inside a <p> tag or other block tag. Users of this template will not be able to create new paragraphs in this region. Move the region outside the <p> tag if you wish to allow this.
Any idea what this means and how I fix it?
Thanks for your help
Here's the code on my page:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
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