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Error message -Data type mismatch

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Mar 26, 2003
Can anyone pls tell me what I have done wrong here. This is the Error message that I get and below it is the actual asp script that the error references. thanks as usual

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

/itp/legconfirm.asp, line 42

SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "Where Test =" & Test
Is your variable Test numeric? If not then your statement should look like:

SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "Where Test ='" & Test & "'"
My variable Test is an autonumber field in my access database.
test may be a reserved word

The answer to your ??'s may be closer then you think.
Check out Tek-Tips knowledge bank by clicking the FAQ link at the top of the page faq333-3811
Is there a space between the rest of the SQLStmt and the "WHERE...." ?
this below is the entire Sql Statement

SQlstmt = "Update tblopgaCom2 Set "
SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "billNo = '" & StrbillNo & "',"
SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "area = '" & Strarea & "',"
SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "Description = '" & StrDescription & "',"
SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "reqDate = '" & StrreqDate & "',"
SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "comments ='" & Strcomments & "',"
SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "priorcomments ='" & Strpriorcomments & "',"
SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "updDate ='" & StrupdDate & "'"
SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "Where Test ='" & Test & "'"
set RS=Nothing
Set Conn=Nothing
This is my original sql statement sorry disregard the earlier one sent above

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
Conn.Open "eiwp"

SQlstmt = "Update tblopgaCom2 Set "
SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "billNo = '" & StrbillNo & "',"
SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "area = '" & Strarea & "',"
SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "Description = '" & StrDescription & "',"
SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "reqDate = '" & StrreqDate & "',"
SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "comments ='" & Strcomments & "',"
SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "priorcomments ='" & Strpriorcomments & "',"
SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "updDate ='" & StrupdDate & "'"
SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "Where Test =" & Test
set RS=Nothing
Set Conn=Nothing

May be the type mismatch is due to this line:

SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "updDate ='" & StrupdDate & "'"

You may want to try:

SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "updDate =Convert(datetime,'"& StrupdDate & "')"

Just a guess. Not sure though.


Might not be the ultimate solution but Double02 is on the right track. A space would help here: " Where Test =" & Test
faq333-4896 would more then likely find the problem

The answer to your ??'s may be closer then you think.
Check out Tek-Tips knowledge bank by clicking the FAQ link at the top of the page faq333-3811
have tried all these leads I am still getting the same error message
* SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "Where Test ='" & Test & "'" -This did not work Test is an autonumber field

* This did not work too " Where Test =" & Test

* This gave me several errors SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "updDate =Convert(datetime,'"& StrupdDate & "')"

something should work???
Why dont you response.write your query and post it here, so that someone can suggest you in the right direction.

Response.Write SQLStmt

And how do I respond.write my query here??
After your query and before these lines:

Response.Write SQLStmt

' Conn.Close
' set RS=Nothing
' Set Conn=Nothing

and also comment the lines below the Response.Write statment as shown above.

Well, you response.write it, copy the output and paste into a post here so we can see what the full SQLStmt output looks like.
This is the output I get

Update tblopgaCom2 Set billNo = 'HB0004',area = 'E&P',Description = 'testing',reqDate = '1/14/2004',comments ='watchers',priorcomments ='checking In',updDate ='' Where Test =1
As you can see there's nothing there for the variable updDate. Is your table set up to accept a zero length string for that column?
Date encapsulation is wrong

If you would have checked teh FAQ this would have all been shown to you

The answer to your ??'s may be closer then you think.
Check out Tek-Tips knowledge bank by clicking the FAQ link at the top of the page faq333-3811
I guess inserting the null date value is the problem. You may want to put a condition, something like this:

If updDate="" Then

Dont insert this value


Insert this value

End If


I think the problem is in the Date...

In the SQL statement you have...
SQLStmt = SQlstmt & "reqDate = '" & StrreqDate & "',"

It should be...

SQLStmt = SQLstmt & "reqDate = #" & StrreqDate & "#,"

Give that a shot...

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