After upgrading to vfp90, all forms with ole containers populated with the MSCOMM Control returns the error loading file - Record No. n . Olecontrol1 Methods:Ole error code Ox80020006: unknown name.
The help file states "the file containing the ActiveX controls was renamed from Comctl32.ocx to MSCOMCtl.ocx".
Is this an issue?
Any info on a workaround to open my forms for editing would be greatly appreciated?
Tried to discover the problem by browsing the form as a table. All seems well with objects, properties, and methods.
The help file states "the file containing the ActiveX controls was renamed from Comctl32.ocx to MSCOMCtl.ocx".
Is this an issue?
Any info on a workaround to open my forms for editing would be greatly appreciated?
Tried to discover the problem by browsing the form as a table. All seems well with objects, properties, and methods.