I have researched extensively on this subject on a lot of platforms. There is a lot of content out there but none seems to work for me. I'm trying to programmatically link my database (MySQL) to my FE (access 2010) but each time I get the same error "Couldn't find an installable ISAM". I have done as some forums have suggested, uninstalled and re-installed the odbc driver 3.51, set the value of the default key in the odbc driver 3.51 to null etc but still does not work. I have both 5.2 and 3.51 installed so I tried the 5.2 also, same error. I'm really stuck now...
Below is my code
I have researched extensively on this subject on a lot of platforms. There is a lot of content out there but none seems to work for me. I'm trying to programmatically link my database (MySQL) to my FE (access 2010) but each time I get the same error "Couldn't find an installable ISAM". I have done as some forums have suggested, uninstalled and re-installed the odbc driver 3.51, set the value of the default key in the odbc driver 3.51 to null etc but still does not work. I have both 5.2 and 3.51 installed so I tried the 5.2 also, same error. I'm really stuck now...
Below is my code
Private Function LinkMySQLTables() As Boolean
'DAO 3.x Required
'Declare Variables...
Dim ConnectStrg As String, rst As Recordset, _
db As Database, Strg As String
'The Connection String required to connect to MySQL.
'You will need to fill in the proper information within
'this string.
ConnectStrg = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};" & _
"Server=;" & _
"Port=3306;" & _
"Option=;" & _
"Stmt=;" & _
"Database=pentrust;" & _
"Uid=percy;" & _
'Trap any Errors...
On Error GoTo Error_LinkMySQLTables
'Open a recordset from the table the conatains
'all the table names we want to Link from the
'MySQL Database.
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("LinkedTables", dbOpenSnapshot)
With rst
'Fill the Recordset...
'Enumerate through the Records...
Do Until rst.EOF
'Place the Table Name into the Strg string variable.
' FieldName (below) would be the Field name in your Access
' Table which holds the name of the MySQL Tables to Link.
Strg = !TableName
'Make sure we are not dealing will an empty string..
If Len(Strg) > 0 Then
'Link the MySQL Table to this Database.
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acLink, "ODBC Database", ConnectStrg, _
acTable, Strg, Strg
End If
'move to the next record...
End With
'We're done...
'Clear Variables and close the db connection.
Set rst = Nothing
If Not db Is Nothing Then db.Close
Set db = Nothing
Exit Function
'If there was an error then display the Error Msg.
MsgBox "Link Tables Error:" & vbCr & vbCr & _
Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description, _
vbExclamation, "Table Link Error"
Resume Exit_LinkMySQLTables
End Function