Have an A2k rpt based upon a query. The report has 3 header items which correspond to three query selections. The normal report and query should not produce any detail data (this is an exception report). Instead of producing the selection criteria in the header section am getting an "error" message. Is there any way around this ?
Used the =IIf(UCase([Please Enter User ID])>"",UCase([Please Enter User ID]),""
tip but to no avail. Really just want to show you when the report was run and of course the selection criteria.
Many thanks for any ideas, Steve.
Have an A2k rpt based upon a query. The report has 3 header items which correspond to three query selections. The normal report and query should not produce any detail data (this is an exception report). Instead of producing the selection criteria in the header section am getting an "error" message. Is there any way around this ?
Used the =IIf(UCase([Please Enter User ID])>"",UCase([Please Enter User ID]),""
Many thanks for any ideas, Steve.