When I preview a report that contains no records to display, I had an error about debugging. I've gor tid of that by using On Error GoTo Err_Detail_Format
This time, it displays the report ok, but with #Error in each of the controls.
I have tried (e.g.):
=IIf(Right([Ref],2)="zz","",IIf([ref] Is Null,"",[Ref]))
neither of these do anything, it still shows #Error
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
This time, it displays the report ok, but with #Error in each of the controls.
I have tried (e.g.):
=IIf(Right([Ref],2)="zz","",IIf([ref] Is Null,"",[Ref]))
neither of these do anything, it still shows #Error
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.