i load input data from text files...
please check this instructions and tell me why this line has error?
open (unit=1, file='data5.txt',
* action='READ', status='OLD', iostat=rtn)
read (unit=1, end=104, fmt=904, iostat=rtn)
* (MOP)//has error
104 continue
open (unit=1, file='data6.txt',
* action='READ', status='OLD', iostat=rtn)
read (unit=1, end=105, fmt=904, iostat=rtn)
* (MIP)//has error
and etc.
and there is some line like these! and every of this specified line has error
the errors is like this:
error FOR3852: syntax error detected between MOP and )
error FOR3852: syntax error detected between MIP and )
how can i fix these errors?
thanks for your answer!
i load input data from text files...
please check this instructions and tell me why this line has error?
open (unit=1, file='data5.txt',
* action='READ', status='OLD', iostat=rtn)
read (unit=1, end=104, fmt=904, iostat=rtn)
* (MOP)//has error
104 continue
open (unit=1, file='data6.txt',
* action='READ', status='OLD', iostat=rtn)
read (unit=1, end=105, fmt=904, iostat=rtn)
* (MIP)//has error
and etc.
and there is some line like these! and every of this specified line has error
the errors is like this:
error FOR3852: syntax error detected between MOP and )
error FOR3852: syntax error detected between MIP and )
how can i fix these errors?
thanks for your answer!