I am trying to run a query that touches multiple db's on 1 server. SSIS gives me error saying that HouseholdNewsletter is nto associates with alias used in the query. That table is actually native to the db I am connected to. PushmailListGen is actually a different db. Whats going on???
update PushmailListGen..tmpNewsLetterSync
set PushmailListGen..tmpNewsLetterSync.stauts = 1
from HouseholdNewsletter
where NewsletterID = ?
and PushmailListGen..tmpNewsLetterSync.externalid = HouseholdNewsletter.householdid
update PushmailListGen..tmpNewsLetterSync
set PushmailListGen..tmpNewsLetterSync.stauts = 1
from HouseholdNewsletter
where NewsletterID = ?
and PushmailListGen..tmpNewsLetterSync.externalid = HouseholdNewsletter.householdid