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Error Handling not working, browser timing out

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May 15, 2002

I have a sub that uses ADO to get results from my database and display them. It works lovely. When I add "On Error Resume Next" at the top of the sub, and

If Err.Number <> 0 Then 
        Response.Redirect &quot;error.asp&quot; 
End If 

On Error GoTo 0

at the bottom to just redirect the user to an 'error' page when a run-time error occurs (like database connection probs or whatever), I don't get the run-time error showing (that's good), but I don't get redirected either. It just sits and does nothing. It will work fine if there's no error, but when I add one, I don't get results, no error message, and no redirect.

Anyone have any ideas what's up? Am I doing this correctly? I want the thing to work like a try catch block. If an error is encountered, jump down and find how to deal with it.

Thanks peeps!
On Error Resume Next tells the code that when an error occurs in a line, don't bother with it go to the next line. So it is still going through all the code between your error line and the error check you wrote above.

I couldn't tell you more about the cause of your error without seeing your code, but it is most likely one of those intermediary steps that is hanging. Perhaps you have a second call to the db based on the recordset from the first, or your looping through one of the recordsets and getting stuck in a loop before it gets to the Err check.

-Tarwn --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
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Thanks for the responses! That is what is happening Tarwn. It's still going thru my code and because there is no database connection (or another runtime error I've put in), it's hanging before it ever gets to the error handling section (which it would run if it got there).

Is there any way in ASP to say, if you encounter an error that you can't handle, jump down and handle it like I say! I don't want it to 'resume next', I want it to resume by handling the error! How is this usually handled?

Thanks! :)
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