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Error Emm386.exe

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May 26, 2000
I got this error message when I try to run the Windows95 on my computer...After the scandish has finished scanning when my PC start to Initliaze the Windows95...this error message occur..<br><br>There is not enough free conventional memory to check a device.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You may need to remark(REM) some device drivers from your config.sys or in your config.sys, you may need to load the EMM386.exe driver to load your other device drivers into Upper Memory Block Using DEVICEHIGH=Statement&quot;<br><br>I don't know what I am going to edit on the Config.sys or what statement should I put in the DEVICEHIGH=&nbsp;&nbsp;?<br><br>Please help me again with this...thanks<br><br>
Try including the following 3 lines in config.sys:<br><br>device=a:\himem.sys<br>device=a:\emm386.exe<br>dos=high,umb<br><br>Several assumptions here. Config.sys & autoexec.bat, Himem.sys & emm386.exe reside on the bootable floppy in the root.&nbsp;&nbsp;Also, that earlier versions of these files are not in your path(conflicts will occur if they are).&nbsp;&nbsp;Also, your operating system is Windows 3.1, 95 or 98.&nbsp;&nbsp;Use the device, not devicehigh, for the first 2 lines.<br><br>Try typing emm386 at the prompt. This will display your current expanded memory environment.&nbsp;&nbsp;The mem/c command will help you troubleshoot your base memory and upper regions.&nbsp;&nbsp;Recommend a very stripped down boot. <br><br>Look at <A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> Technical Information Documents(TID's) there.&nbsp;&nbsp;Good luck.
I tried that steps and it gave me this error again..&quot; Cannot Start Windows in&nbsp;&nbsp;standard Mode.&nbsp;&nbsp;Try starting windows in 386 enhanced mode by typing win/3&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please help me again with this, It is annoying. if I can recall, I wont do that again..I will not dare to uninstall my O/S again or Format my hard drive because of this many errors.<br><br>Thanks again in advance. I really appreciate your HELP.
Is this when it is trying to boot from the hard drive or from the floppy drive? Don't ever recall that message from 95/98 from a floppy boot, but there are a lot of messages I've not seen.<br>Reinstallation gets easier the more you do it. Gets to be about 5 minutes of intervention and 30 minutes of automated stuff eventually. I would say &quot;practice makes perfect&quot; but we're dealing with Microsoft stuff here so &quot;practice makes better till the next version comes out&quot;.<br>ed
What does that mean, I'm very frustrated with this problem, I will going to do all the things in order to correct this.&nbsp;&nbsp;Please help me.
I hate to bring up audit trail, but I think, in this case, we really need one.<br><br>1.&nbsp;&nbsp;What did your PC look like prior to your current error (i.e. processor, operating system, how much RAM, how much disk)?<br><br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp;What changed between 1. above and your current situation (i.e. hardware/ software installed or uninstalled)<br><br>3. Describe blow by blow what happens from the point at which you turn on your PC to the point at which the error is received.&nbsp;&nbsp;Please note whether or not there is a diskette in the drive and what the diskette is&nbsp;&nbsp;(I can't tell if you're booting from A: or C:)<br><br>Other questions:<br>It sounds as if you started to install Win 95?&nbsp;&nbsp;Did it finish?&nbsp;&nbsp;When it's done, it asks you to reboot and a splash screen appears saying, &quot;Starting Windows 95 for the first time...&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;Did this screen appear?&nbsp;&nbsp;(if you already had Win95 on your computer, please ignore this question).<br><br>
Even before the audit trail please define what you have to install. Do you have a floppy disk that came with your W95. And do you have a microsoft W95 cd-rom. If you can boot from the floppy and then do a directory of the cd-rom what is the date on startup.exe on the cd-rom root directory. <br>Install sequence for a 95 system<br>1)&nbsp;&nbsp;boot floppy and run fdisk and create a partition and make it active<br>2) reboot floppy and format the c: drive<br>3) reboot floppy , change to cd-rom drive and run setup.<br>If you are asked if you want large drive support you have later version 95.<br>The date on the setup.exe file will define what version you are attempting to install.<br>I've not seen a boot floppy from MS that had a problem with memory allocation so I suspect the boot disk. <br>And there is a possibility you want to start over from step 1.&nbsp;&nbsp;If you do then you have to delete partitions until you have an unpartitioned drive.
Sirnube,<br><br>Was this machine upgraded from 3.1 to 95? <br><br>You should not be getting conv. mem. errors with a standard Win 95 install. <br>Will the machine boot into Safe Mode? If it does, then post a copy of you config.sys so we can see what may be causing the problem.<br><br>Al
I am currently running windows98 but I already uninstalled so I need to instal the windows95 but I can't because of those errors..<br><br>Here's the content of my Config.Sys<br><br>rem ---------------------- MTM ATAPI CD-ROM ----------------------<br>[COMMON]<br>LASTDRIVE=M<br>DEVICE=A:\HIMEM.SYS<br>DEVICE=A:\EMM386.EXE NOEMS<br>DOS=HIGH,UMB<br>DEVICE=C:\MTM\MTMCDAI.SYS /D:MTMIDE01<br>rem ---------------------- MTM ATAPI CD-ROM ----------------------<br><br>And the content of my Autoxect.bat<br><br>rem ---------------------- MTM ATAPI CD-ROM ----------------------<br>C:\MTM\MSCDEX.EXE /D:MTMIDE01 /M:10<br>rem ---------------------- MTM ATAPI CD-ROM ----------------------<br><br><br>
just out of curiosity, why have references to emm386 on your 3.5&quot; floppy in your config.sys ?&nbsp;&nbsp;Do you always have that floppy in the pc?&nbsp;&nbsp;Same goes for himem.sys.&nbsp;&nbsp; <p> <br><a href=mailto:ille_pugil42@hotmail.com>ille_pugil42@hotmail.com</a><br><a href= Page</a><br>Linux rox! Get with the program and ditch the RGBY Virus!
This isn't a MS boot floppy. This is a made up boot floppy with a cd-rom driver set probably from an ACER drive. If you can see the win95 cd then it is of no consequence. The himem driver allows access to hi memory so scandisk is happy and can complete. The emm386 isn't needed since you haven't got enough loading to take up much space, but it isn't hurting anything.<br>On the floppy you should have himem.sys, emm386.exe, fdisk, and format.<br>When you run fdisk, does it ask for large drive support?&nbsp;&nbsp;if so you have FAT32 capability, and if you want large drive support, all future accesses to fdisk will also require large drive support.<br>If the 4 files are there the floppy should do everything required to load any 95 except upgrade versions.<br>Start from a clean partition, and resolve any problems in the order they come up. And if you get an error be prepared to start over from the beginning. It is difficult to give support for a problem not knowing if things were clean to the point of error.<br>ed
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